Minutes July 2006
Approved Minutes For July 2006
Meeting Minutes
Mary Davidson called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:00 PM on 7/24/2006 at Somerset Christian Church.
Present Board Members:
Mary Davidson, Ken Pepe, Mike Farris, Cathy Parson
Not Present: Dave Cummings
Guests: Kitty Bunten from NWCM
Note the Meeting for June 26th 2006 was cancelled due to a double booking problem at the church.
I. Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
II. Approval of Minutes
The minutes for May 22nd 2006 meeting will be called for approval at the next meeting on Aug 26th 2006 meeting. They were not included in the Management report for review.
III. Treasure’s Report
- No report available due to the management report from NWCM not being delivered until the meeting the Treasure has not had time to review it. It will be called for review on the Aug 26th 2006 meeting.
IV. Homeowner Input
- Two home Owners Present
- Home owner has concern over disruptive activity occurring in a rental home. Police have been called several times. Property Owner has been sent letters of noise violations by NWCM, but no response from Property Owner has been received. Home owner at meeting is concerned that illegal activity is occurring. Board has advised home owner to continue to work with Police. This is the proper course of action. The board is concerned of this activity and encourages the neighbors to be active in addressing these issues. Board will continue to authorize NWCM to send violations to Property owner as the Property owner needs to address his renters.
- A motion was made to review and to create a Chronic Nuisance Fine in an amount ranging from 50-100 dollars per an incident that could be applied daily for all Chronic issues. This Fine would be in addition to current fines for CC&R violations. Voted all in Favor
V. Old Business
- NWCM is going to help us set up billing for Kinkos Printing
- We will need to mail non resident Home Owners a copy
- Mike will work with Cathy for a Saturday distribution
- Date is set for August 12th 2006 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- Flyer was presented to board and will be posted on the web site
- County will not be adding Tow Away signs as planned to due complaints by neighbors.
- Fire Department has also reviewed the situation and said with the congestion the area gets by barely. It is difficult to navigate but they are able to.
- This is still being explored and discussed
Ice Cream Social
Parking congestion on Oak Creek Drive
CC & R Parking Violation
- VI. New Business
Showplace Landscaping increase
- Motion was made to approve the minimal monthly increase Vote In Favor 3; Not In Favor 1
- West Hills will come in and correct the metering issue by adding a meter that will be part of the HOA water bill. Proposal to correct Issue is as follows: Lot 92 will need to release the HOA backflow value to be plugged back in to the HOA water line for the Arborvitae along Lots 91, 92, 93. Notice of Violation will be sent to Lot 92 dictating their part and the correction to the problem. West Hills will add a new water meter for the HOA. This will resume the watering of the Arborvitae on these lots. Vote In Favor All
- Will be addressed at the August Meeting due to time issues.
- Will be addressed at the August Meeting due to time issues.
- Q and A Session and review of her walk through
- Review of Management Report and the Timeliness
- Cinderblock and pipes located on a Property near the wet lands, has been addressed by NWCM
- New bank Documents for Umpqua need to be signed by Board
- Request to add page numbers to the Management Report was asked of Kitty.
Irrigation Issue on Lot 92 and 93
Basket Ball Hoops
Reporting of Violations
Floor Time for NWCM Kitty Bunten
VII. Adjournment:
Mary adjourned meeting at 8:32 PM. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on 8/26/2006 at Somerset Christian Church.
Minutes submitted by: Mike Farris