Minutes January 2008

Approved Minutes For January 2008

Meeting Minutes


  1. Call To Order
    • Cathy called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:10 PM on 1/28/2008 at Somerset Christian Church.
    • Present Board Members: Cathy Parson, Mike Farris, Joey Mohr, Dave Cummings
    • Not Present: Chandrau Vaidyanathan, Lori Constant, Sunil Luhadia
    • Guests: None
    • Home Owners Present: 3
  1. Approval of Minutes
    • MOTION was made to approve minutes with adjustment– Approve Minutes for Dec 3rd 2007
  1. Treasurer’s Report
    • December 2007 Financial Review
      • Cathy- Sprinkler Systems Costs, Repair YTD 5713 Cottage + 4000 for main Hoa
        • ACTION TMG: Provide a Detail Break down of the overage for Sprinkler Repair
      • Delinquent Reports should we have that much Delinquent?
        • ACTION TMG: Let the board know if the delinquencies are normal, below or above average
      • 1788 over budget for office supplies? (For Main Association) What was the overage? – Action TMG

  1. Homeowner Input
    1. Enforce the removal of the Realtors signs per the CCR’s.  Home Owner brought in five(5) realtor signs that are directional signs to a property for sale.  The CCR’s state that only a single sign may be placed in the home owner yard.  Temporary signs for open houses have been allowed.
      • ACTION TMG: How can we communicate to Realtors to abide by the CCR’s is there a way that TMG can communicate this.
      • We will attempt to contact Realtor’s to pick up signs and give them seven days to pick them up or they will be disposed of.
    2. Missing HOA Meeting Sign on NW Oak Creek
      • Board believes that former board member Ken has the sign, and will get Joey in contact with him to pick it up.
  1. Management Report


  1. Compliance Report
    • No Violations were processed by the board due to the holidays
    • ACTION TMG: Home Owners have until Feb 1st 2008 to pull down Holiday Decor, this will have to be monitored with the compliance committee.
  2. 2006 Audit Results
    • ACTION TMG: There was no document in the Management Report addressing the 2006 Audit.  Please provide to board.
  3. Violation Response
    • TMG what action do you want us to take on 4617 Silver Place


  1. Delinquency Report
    • ACTION TMG: Are the dollar amount of Delinquencies normal, below or above average?
  2. 2007 Engagement Letter
    • Cathy will touch base with Nick on signing document to begin 2007 Financial Review


  1. Wetlands Path Repair
    • Board is OK with TMG’s response.
  2. Repair Bids for Monument Sign
    • Cathy will get a third bid and submit it to the board for consideration.
    • Look at the cost of solar lights instead of hard wired lights
    • Any contracted work should include some sort of Warrenty for the product and work.
    • Does TMG have a Terms & Conditions Document, and indemnification document for contract work.
  3. Lawn Mowing
    • Board is OK with TMG’s response.

  1. Old Business
    1. Landscape Committee Presentation – Mary Davidson
      • Carolyn Benedict has Volunteered for the committee, there is possibly a third they will be joining.
      • Board was pleased with proposal
        • Motion made to approve the Landscape committee proposal
        • ALL IN FAVOR
      • Mary will connect with showplace on how many times a year will we have path areas trimmed
      • Add Once per month to check wetlands for problems
      • Dave proposed that the landscape committee review the expenses for landscape overages, We will ask for a copy of the showplace Detailed invoice each month
      • Posting of the Landscaping Committee will go on web site
    2. House on 16550 NW Oak Creek with Many cars
      • Vehicles parked on parts of yard and landscaping damaging poossibly the sprinkler system and planting being maintained as part of the Landscaping Maintenance Fee.  Dilibert damage will not be covered as part of the Landscape maintence fee and will be the Home Owner’s responsibility.  There was another concered home owner could not attend due to illness to discuss
      • ACTION TMG: Please look into this property and the possible damage being done.  We believe this may be a rental and the Home Owner needs to be contacted
  1. New Business
    1. More Graffiti on path from Laidlaw to Tucson has occurred
      • ACTION TMG: What would it cost to have Showplace monitor and clean it up?
    2. Fence Washing for 2008, this should occur after the spring sometime
      • ACTION TMG: Bids need to be gathered and we need to Scheduled
    3. Bark Mulching for Cottage & Common
      • ACTION TMG: When is this Scheduled? Should be Scheduled prior to fence Washing
    4. Can we have a speed bump on the round corner of Oak Creek coming off of West Union
      • Home Owner is working already with Washington County on the problems that plague this section of Oak Creek.  They wonder if a speed bump could be added to the street to slow people down around the corner.
      • ACTION TMG: Please research and see what is required and what it would cost to have a Speed bump added to this area.
      • Map Desert Canyon & Oak Creek

  1. Adjournment
  • Cathy adjourned meeting at 8:10 PM. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on 2/25/2008 at Somerset Christian Church.

Minutes taken by Mike Farris