Minutes April 2008
Approved Minutes For April 2008
Meeting Minutes
Home Owner Input
- Started Home Owner Input @ 7:01 pm
- HO #1
- What are the fees for Landscape Maintenance Program for the Cottage Collection and the General Association fees go? And can a home owner opt out of the landscape program fees?
- It was explained by the Board and Management company that you can not opt out of the fees. The Landscape Program fees for the Cottage Collection are applied strictly to the landscaping for the home owners property. This is part of the agreement signed when the home was purchased. There are similar charges in both budgets and financial reports but one is strictly for the home owners property in the Cottage Collection and paid for by the Landscape Maintenance fee and the other charges on the Main association are paid with the General Association Dues that all home owners pay and cover the common pieces of property. The only way to opt out is to have a community vote that would require a 75% approval of all homes that would modify the CCR’s and rules and regulations.
- HO #2
- Is there a Policy on Political Signs?
- The signs are considered temporary like a Realtor sign. However if there was an excessive abuse of signs then it would be addressed with the home owner.
- HO #3
- What happened to the Monument Sign?
- The Sign was part of an accident involving a single car. The Association is working with police to recover repair costs from the driver that ran in to the wall. Repair will begin after we have worked with the Insurance carrier for the driver.
- HO #4
- Will the box elder bugs along Oak Creek be sprayed again this year to control them?
- The board will discuss during new business of the meeting as to what action to take
- Are there rules for backyard fireplaces?
- There are no rules as a backyard is a private place. If there are some problems it suggested the homeowner speak to the neighbor and if it can not be resolved then contact the management office and a friendly reminder to the homeowner will be mailed to let them know that they may be effecting the livability of the neighborhood.
- There are no rules as a backyard is a private place. If there are some problems it suggested the homeowner speak to the neighbor and if it can not be resolved then contact the management office and a friendly reminder to the homeowner will be mailed to let them know that they may be effecting the livability of the neighborhood.
- HO #5
- Does anyone know there is a homeless man wandering the park?
- The police are aware and have been contacted before. However the park belongs to THPRD and is considered sovereign territory. It is best that anyone observing problematic activity that they contact the Sheriff Dept so they can investigate. The non-emergency number is available on our web site.
- The police are aware and have been contacted before. However the park belongs to THPRD and is considered sovereign territory. It is best that anyone observing problematic activity that they contact the Sheriff Dept so they can investigate. The non-emergency number is available on our web site.
Call To Order
Dave called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:32 PM on 4/28/2008 at Somerset Christian Church.
Present Board Members: Lori Constant, Mike Farris, Joey Mohr, Sunil Luhadia, Dave Cummings
Not Present: Cathy Parson, Chandrau Vaidyanathan
Guests: Nick (TMG)
Home Owners Present: 7
Approval of Minutes
Motion made to approve Minutes for 3/24/2008
Motion Seconded, Motion Passed
President’s Report
- President not present to report
- President not present to report
Treasurer’s Report
Landscape supplies are currently at 1/4 of the budget usage and looks good.
- Sprinklers repairs are currently down, possibly due that they are not turned on because of all the rain. This may go up after they are turned on.
- Water use is down also likely due to the wetter spring we have had.
Committee Reports
- Landscape report was presented and reviewed by the board. It was noted that there are several Verizon lids that are broken and Damaged and that Verizon should be called to replace.
- Blackberries need to be sprayed
- Path has been sprayed to kill off weeds
- Plants between homes are inconsistant in size and should be evened out.
- No Report
- Social committee wants to know if they should start planning for the fall Ice Cream Social.
- Board agreed they can start planning within the budget allocated for events.
Management Report
Compliance Report
- The Number of compliance letters are about the same as the previous month
- 16993 Mesa View has not plan submitted a plan to correct violations as requested at the 2/25/2008 Meeting, TMG will follow up again with homeowner.
- Showplace contract was presented to the board to sign. An increase of about 3.5% is being asked due to fuel and bark-dust price increases.
- The Board also reviewed a BID for landscaping and found that showplace is still competitive in their pricing.
- Motion made to amend the clause #7 second sentence and have it removed.
- Motion Seconded, Motion Passed
- Speed Bump Request on Oak Creek drive
- Less then 300 cars traveled through the Radar zone set up. The average speed was 19mph and the max was 31mph. The report from Washington County suggested that no further action be taken since there the first stage revealed little need to take action.
- The Report will be sent to the Homeowners who requested a Speed Bump
Delinquency Report
All liens are in place, Management advises that we wait for action to occur now on these properties
Fence Washing Bids
- Bid from Alpha Ecological was 4500
- Bid from HOA maintenance is 4860
- Motion made to accept bid of 4500 for Alpha Ecological.
- Motion Seconded, Motion Passed
Bark-dust Bids
- Bid from REX is 15846 cottage & 8340 common
- Bid from Showplace is 14500 cottage & 4400 common
- Motion made to accept bid for 18900 from Showplace.
- Motion Seconded, Motion Passed
- Motion was made to keep Arborvitae no taller then the first gutter line and to continue to trim on normal schedule, but to allow them to grow to that max height.
- Motion Seconded, Motion Passed
Landscape Committee
- Motion made to empower the Landscape Committee to manage the landscape contract as usual, and any costs outside of the scope of the contract needs approval by the board. In addition all communication of action needs to be copied via email to all the board for review.
- Motion Seconded, Motion Passed
Sprinkler Repairs
- Upon activation 19 heads, 1 timer, 3 nozzles were replaced in the Common Area
- 50 heads, 2 timers and 60 nozzels were replaced in the Cottage Collection
- Upon activation 19 heads, 1 timer, 3 nozzles were replaced in the Common Area
Unfinished Business
New Business
Box Elder Bugs on Oak Creek
Board agreed that spraying should be done to prevent the spread of the bugs.
- Alternatives should be looked at including possibly the replacement of the trees with trees that would not attract the bugs.
Dave adjourned meeting at 8:53 PM
Minutes taken by Mike Farris