Minutes July 2008
Approved Minutes For July 2008
Meeting Minutes
July, 28 2008
Board Members Attending:
Kathy Parson, Lori Constant, Sunhil Luhadia, Dave Cummings
Kathy called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Comments from Owners
A house on Diamondback is not cutting their lawn and the homeowner had not seen evidence that TMG is addressing complaints. Fines are not working we need to do more. Need to check with Nick to see what is going on. We discussed having more volunteers to review yard conditions.
Meeting Minutes
No comments to minutes. A motion was made and approved to accept the April 28 meeting minutes as written. (Note: HOA did not have May or June meetings.)
Treasures Report
No report. Discussed issue on sprinklers along West Union Road. We still need a proposal from Showplace to determine how we want to proceed. This may require budgeting for next year to do an upgrade.
Committee Reports
No official reports. Discussed mowing of wetlands. Questioned whether we paid for work that wasn’t authorized. Discussed dead arborvitae along wetlands that need to replaced.
Social Committee
Lori will send email asking for help with an ice cream social. She will ask John from Showplace to make a donation. Discussed who we might get to donate popsicles – still to be determined.
Management Report
- Compliance Report – discussed how we do compliance. Lori proposed we have a committee. Lori has not been able to get a report on compliance from TMG. Kathy will contact Nick on this.
- A motion was made and seconded not to waive late fees at 16722 NW Arizona. A discussion ensued about being consistent from one request to another. The motion was withdrawn. A new motion was made and seconded requiring any request to waive fees be presented by the requestor at a board meeting prior to its consideration. The motion passed unanimously.
- The 2008 budget was discussed including the need for a revised reserve study.
- Meeting dates were discussed. A motion was made and seconded to meet every other month, meetings in February, April, June, August, October and December. The motion passed unanimously.
Delinquency Report – reviewed. Question for TMG, do liens need to be refilled of do they last forever if not satisfied?
The repair of the monument was discussed. When we get a proposal from the insurance company we will need to have a board meeting to discuss and vote on the offer.
Unfinished Business
No unfinished business was brought forward.
New Business
No new business was presented.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Minutes by Dave Cummings
Substituting for Mike Farris