Minutes September 2008
Approved Minutes For September 2008
Meeting Minutes
Home Owner Input
- Home Owner #1: Question on if the Entry Wall was being taken care of and date of repair … we are waiting for the insurance check and the contractor will be scheduled.
- Home Owner #2: Another accident occurred on the other side of Laidlaw, no damage known.
- Home Owner #3: Concerned about conditions of yards, and they need to managed.
Call To Order
- Cathy called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:03 PM on 09/22/2008 at Somerset Christian Church.
- Present Board Members: Mike Farris, Joey Mohr, Sunil Luhadia, Cathy Parson, Dave Cummings
- Not Present: Lori Constant
- Guests: Nick (TMG)
- Home Owners Present: 5
Approval of Minutes
Motion made to Approve Minutes for 7/28/2008
Motion Seconded, Motion Passed
President’s Report
- None
Treasurer’s Report
- Joey: Question about Lien Filing fees, we have no budget to offset.
- Insurance Expenses are 1200 over budget .. we are on an installment system and have paid up, we are less then budget for year, but YTD shows over
- TMG/Nick will see if we can reformat the financials to make them easier to match
Committee Reports
Report was reviewed and Action Items are in progress
No Report
No Report
Management Report
- Compliance Report
- Nick wanted to know if we want to filter by 90 days for report. We believe that once steady reporting and complied
- 16785 Arizona Home owner must be present at the meeting to dispute fees
- Delinquency Report
- 16785 Arizona Home owner must be present at the meeting to dispute fees
- Currie McLain
- They are looking at Increasing fees, Lets get more bids
- 2009 Budget
Budget For 2009 reviewed
Motion To Approve Budget w/Rollover funds
Motion Seconded, Motion Passed
Annual Meeting it will need to be signed
Monument Sign
Motion To Approve the Check and Bid for Lorenz Brunn
Motion Amended to include hold the check till we receive the Bid
Motion Seconded, Motion Passed
The Check will arrive from the Insurance Company
Lorenz Brunn will provide references and bid also like for like repair
Drainage Repairs
Proposal from Showplace for 5 Areas of Drainage Repair
Add repair 6th repair $530 for Drain by the west bridge
Motion To Approve 3969 for Drainage Repairs as proposed by Showplace
Motion Seconded, Motion Passed
Unfinished Business
New Business
Board Organization
April 19th 2008 9am to 3pm Board Workshop. Board Members should receive an invite to the event.
- Cathy Adjourned Meeting at 8:01
Minutes taken by Mike Farris