Minutes November 2009

Approved Minutes for November 2009

Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Meeting – November 16th 2009

Meeting was called to order at 7:15pm 11/16/09

Attendance: Mike F., Dave C., John M., Sunil L., Tom W., Cathy P. and Lynda DuLong from TMG

Meeting Minutes Approval – September 28th Minutes are approved by the board

President’s Report – No formal report this meeting, Mike did mention that Tualatin Valley Parks and Recreation will be installing new park equipment in George Otten Park. Lynda did bring up that the Monument lights are still on in the daytime and that the park basketball court is still very soggy around the edges and on the North side of the court especially and this is the case even during late summer.

Committee Reports –

Social Committee – Cathy spoke about having the Holiday lights contest with giftcards for 1st-$100, 2nd-$50, and 3rd-$20 prizes. To announce the contest Cathy wanted to mail out a One sheet mailer to the community and also provide other information like the Website and Neighborhood Watch. Tom W. mentioned that bulk mailing rates may be available for the community mailing so he suggested that bulk mailing be looked into.

Neighborhood Watch – Information will be added to the mailer for the Holiday lights contest.

Landscape Committee – Mary was not in attendance so the floor was open for general discussion. Lynda brought out a sign specifically to inform garbage can violators a friendly reminder that their cans were left out too long. A lengthy discussion about how long holiday lights should be left out after a holiday was discussed and a consensus seemed to be a February 1st time line for winter holidays and two weeks after any other holidays.  Walking bridge has new graffiti so Showplace will be notified. Also the grass is encroaching the bridge – Showplace will be notified. Grounds that have soil problems will be resolved for $700. Irrigation near wetlands had a breakdown of the costs but Lynda said they didn’t equal the total amount so she will respond to showplace to resolve the cost breakdown.

Management Report – Lynda went over the violations report and specifically the responses to violations from Homeowners.

*Please note Tom W. in the capacity of compliance committee officer did not vote yea or nay on any motions pertaining to affirmation or waiver of fines in any compliance cases.

Large shrub between the homes on Gold Canyon is over grown the width of the allowed space and is over hanging both driveways and the sidewalk creating a safety issue. A $75 fine has been imposed and the homeowner responded by cutting back the shrub and asking that the fine be waived due to compliance with the request to correct the violation. A motion was then proposed that the fine be waived conditionally as long as the homeowner properly maintained the care of the shrub. This motion was amended to simply waive the fine since the homeowner complied with the request to correct the violation.

4295 Diamondback Dr. Request to waive fine, after Tom W. went over the history of this homeowners chronic violations. Discussion of this homeowner’s violations and reactions to reminder letters lead the board to motion that the fine will not be waive in this case.

4199 NW Chaparral, homeowner has not responded to the requests to correct so a motion to keep the fine in place was voted on and passed.

4368 NW Diamondback Drive has no shrubs in the front of the home. Tom W. explained that the homeowners removed the plantings. and it turns out that the homeowners moved and took the removed plants with them. So the new homeowners have no idea that they should have plantings in front of the home. This exposed a glaring issue for the CCR information packet since it is vague on the appearance of the homes in the classic and cascade collections. There is no mention in the CCRs about the number of plantings that should be in front of the home.

17003 Tucson – Basketball hoop is left out in the front yard and is not in use since the backboard glass is broken out.  Tom W. went over the violations and Homeowner asked to have fine waived, after discussion and since the homeowner has done nothing to repair and remove the basketball hoop from the front yard a motion was proposed to keep the fine in place. This motion passed the board vote.

16919 Tucson – Tom W. described the violation in detail. The basketball hoop and stand are not used and in disrepair. The net won’t stay on the hoop due to damage from abuse. The garage door for some reason has a rust stain down the front of it and this issue has not been corrected properly. After discussion that the homeowner has done nothing with the basketball hoop and has not corrected the garage door stain this homeowner will continue to be reviewed by the compliance committee.

16971 Mesa View – Homeowner has not corrected a lawn issue and asked that the fine be waived, no corrective action has been noted. Motion to keep the fine in place was voted on and passed.

Fence modifications report – Estimates have been received and after lengthy discussion it was determined by the board to put a cap on monies spent on the project and to give Mike F. the authority to make a final decision to hire a company to remove the white fence and replace with the cyclone fence to help resolve the graffiti issue at that location. Board voted to let Mike F. take over this decision with a $5,000 cap on expenses.

New Business – Tom W. explanation of compliance to the CCRs will be posted to the website. Board agreed with the changes over email so the document will be on the website for homeowners to view.

Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 9:04pm

– corrections as of 11/17/09 2:49pm