Minutes May 2011
Approved Minutes
Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for May 23rd 2011
Homeowner Input
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Meeting Minutes
March 2011 Minutes were motioned for approval by Michael F. Board passed the minutes unanimously.
III. President’s Report
- Landscape walk – Will be discussed
IV. Treasure’s Report
Review of February, March and April financials by Mike F was done and we are in budget but there was incorrect reporting of water for the Cottage & Main financials. Lynda indicated all the water was charged to the Cottage and is being corrected.
V. Committee Report
- Architectural – five applications have been processed for yard improvements
- Landscape – Committee not present
VI. Management Report
- Homeowner Correspondence
Please see the Management report for May 2011 from The Management Group, no issues or actions needed by the board
- Delinquency Report
No actions required by board
Repairs and Maintenance
No actions required by board
VII. New Business
- Landscape Committee Resolution
A motion was made to approve the Resolution as finalized by Michael F and passed by the board. A signed copy will be completed by the President and Secretary. It will be published on the web site and mailed to all home owners.
- Reserve Study Update
A motion was made to approve the Reserve Study Update as written and not to exceed $700 in cost by Dave and passed by the board.
VIII. Unfinished Business
Landscape Walk Notes
Blackberry bushes
Showplace provided a proposal of $1900 to cut down and spray the bushes in the wetlands from 174th to power line park. Spray will occur once after the bushes are cut and again in the fall.
A motion was made to approve the proposal by Showplace by Dave and passed by the board.
Cottage homes
Driveway triangles don’t seem to be doing very well the plantings are not really growing. It was being looked at other solutions from River Rock or Moss to grow in the areas. No decision has been made.
Street trees are invading the water meters on properties, proposal to have trees removed and ground down to prevent damage to water meters and water mains also sidewalks are also sustaining damage by being lifted up by tree roots. A review of the CCR’s have determined that the Home Owners are responsible for the Street Trees and damaged Sidewalks and driveways. The Landscape Maintenance program does not cover these repairs. The board has decided to provide information to the home owners in the next Newsletter to educate Home Owners and their responsibilities on what they can do if they have a Tree causing damage to their property.
Summer Newsletter
A newsletter for the Summer to include information on the Charlais 4th of July event, Trees causing damage and damaged utility covers and who to contact.
Lynda to forward Charlais information to board.
Dave had mentioned that it would be nice to see a path extension on the south side of the Power Line Park near bronson. Michael F also noted that the property might have been purchased by THRPD. This might be an indication that it could be developed by them.
IX. Adjournment
Call for adjournment was at 8:05 pm