Minutes September 2012
Approved Minutes
Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for September 25th 2012
Homeowner Input
I. Meeting Called to Order
- 7:00 pm
II. Meeting Minutes
- June 26, 2012 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously
III. President’s Report
- None
IV. Treasure’s Report
- Dave Cummings reviewed and presented the Budget year to date. The Budget was stated to be in good shape. Additional discussions took place on the allocation of monies and the distribution within Maintenance and Repairs in association of the Operation Expenditures.
- The Master Budget discussion focused on the reserve study in relationship to the 30 year funding plan (Davey Report/Ruth Williams). At this time we are well funded with the Masters and given the funding plan of the tree project the Cottage area is funded for the year of 2013. Additional discussions will be taking place in the future regarding annual assessments and the needs to support the overall funding for future projects, give the reserve study.
V. Committee Report
- Architectural – Mike Farris reported:
- We had three ARC applications that have been reviewed by the committee. A discussion took place on the three applications, regarding a Flower Bed, Replacing plants in a front yard and security installation in a home. Also, paint colors were discussed, given shades of darkness.
- Landscape – Carolyn Benedict reported:
- Approximately six weeks ago while walking near the wetlands that two small boulders had fallen. Two women reported to Carolyn that children had made the rocks fall. Lynda DuLong said that she will see if John from Showplace Landscaping can assist with putting them back in place. Also discussed was a strip of grass by the play structured has been tended to and worked on.
- Social Events/Neighborhood Watch/Newsletter– Lisa Walker reported:
- Oct. 23rd, meeting/proxy and Annual meeting: Sheriff Pat Garret coming (we are securing the Bethany Elementary School for location of meeting. We will also be securing this location for future meetings. Mike Foster and Lynda DuLong making arrangements). Lisa will confirm set-ups for the Washington County to support the Sheriff.
- National Night Out was a huge success – it was an event that supported the Neighborhood Watch Program (we had 10 more sign-ups for the program). We now have approximately 175 neighbors participating (21 Street Captains). The signage of stickers has been affixed to windows and doors.
- October 13th, Lisa will be attending the Women’s Safety Class that the Washington County Sheriff’s Department is having. (The information gathered will be shared and incorporated into future communications for the Neighborhood Watch Program).
- Lisa and Lynda DuLong gave an update on the Neighborhood Watch signs and status of them going up and installed by Washington County. They should be in place in October, when the rainy season begins, per Washington County. Also, the Parking signs should be starting to be replaced where needed. Darleen Schnoor is working on having the ‘Enhanced Sheriff’s Signs’) posted upon the Neighborhood Watch Signs when they are installed.
- Holiday Lighting Contest will be taking place again in the month of December.
- Lisa will be putting the next HOA Newsletter together, and we plan on having it out the week of October 1st, along with the additional annual meeting information for the community.
VI. Management Report
- Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information).
- Three homeowner correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders. It was discussed, motion once and then twice, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further.
- No actions required by board. Please reference item III Treasurer Report above. The meeting’s primary focus was on Budget review of 2012 and 2013.
Repairs and Maintenance
- A quote from John at Showplace Landscaping was presented by Lynda DuLong on the pruning needed of the trees around the street lights. This must be done on a yearly basis.
VII. New Business
- 2013 Budget discussion took place, please see item III Treasurer Report above.
- Annual meeting Date, confirmed to be on October 23rd at 6:30pm, meeting location discussed and being confirmed to take place at the Bethany Elementary School.
VIII. Unfinished Business
- Basketball Hoop Resolution: A draft of an amendment to the CCR was being presented and reviewed by the board to be put in place in the future.
- The power washing of the white fences has begun, and a discussion took place on the status of completion.
- An approval from Washington County of the tree removals needed, in reference to the Davey Report.
- The Wetlands and the Beavers were discussed along with continued concerns. The Beaver Deceiver was discussed, and Lisa Walker is re-forwarding from June 2012 information on how we may address looking into implementing an additional plan in support of compliancy and protection of the Beavers and their home in the protected Wetlands.
IX. Adjournment
- Call for adjournment was at 8:35 pm