Minutes April 2015
Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.
If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.
Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for April 21, 2015
Homeowner Input
I. Meeting Called to Order
- 6:35 pm
II. Meeting Minutes
- January 20, 2015 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously. Motion carried.
III. Treasure’s Report
- Lynda DuLong gave the following report: We will be expecting large expenditures coming soon, wetland maintenance, bad debt, bark dust, tree plan, irrigation replacement, LED lighting replacement, etc. We may need to potentially add a new line item next year for “bad debt” to write off.
IV. Committee Report
- Neighborhood Watch – Lisa Walker reported: Neighborhood Watch program going well. Any updates are forwarded to subscribers.
- Social/Newsletter Committee – Lisa Walker reported: Easter Egg Hunt went really well. There were many in attendance. After receiving several donations, we came in $165 under budget. New this year were specially hidden “golden eggs”, where the lucky finders were first in line for selecting a raffle prize. We are continually seeking volunteers for this and other HOA events. Lisa requested a budget to fund/support the hot dog stand for the 4th of July party at John Marty Park. It’s already in the budget and approved. Looking to do an e-blast for the neighborhood Garage Sale and Holiday Lighting contest.
- Landscape – Tom Wilkinson reported: There is one tree that might need replacing. The look of the neighborhood is really improving. Tom forecasts the tree replacement will be an ongoing issue for the foreseeable future. There are some ground cover that needs to be replaced. He has talked to John @ Showplace about it. Since there is no need for mowing, Showplace still needs to periodically maintain it. A little effort goes a long way. Tom mentioned an area that needs maintenance is on the corner of Laidlaw and Oak Creek Dr. A motion was given to approve a budget of approximately $500 to maintain that area. Motion carried.
- Architectural – Board reported: All requests have been approved. No other business was discussed.
- Bethany Governance – Board reported: No report was given.
V. Management Report
- Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information). Homeowner correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders, and overdue dues. It was discussed, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further.
- One homeowner requested additional pet maintenance signage to be placed around the neighborhood. Board feels that for the small majority of people who don’t clean up after their animals, additional signage won’t deter them. Plus, there’s a cost for the signs, bags, and maintenance of it.
- Homeowner concerned of parking issues – people parking on the street. The HOA can enforce on private streets, but not on public streets.
- Homeowner mentioned that there were coyotes in the area and to be cautious.
- Postponed till the open session
VI. Unfinished Business
- Foot Bridge Maintenance
We’ve received a number of bids ranging from $1800 to $2800. A motion was made to request a third bid, not to exceed the highest bid of $2800. Motion carried. - Mailbox Cleaning
A homeowner had plastered missing cat flyers on the mailboxes. A proposal was made to create nice permanent (metal engraved) signage to specify no other signage can be placed on it. Bids for cleaning range from $1500 to $1710 were given. A motion was made to request a third bid, not to exceed the highest bid of $1710. Motion carried. - Engineer Annual Review Report
Not discussed. - Formal Appointment of the Master Collection Landscape Committee
TMG put together a nice yard maintenance matrix document that the board would like to evangelize, post on the website, etc. Ken and Mike Farris will get together to discuss ideas on how/where to take this committee, etc. - Irrigation Replacement / Water System
The cost is approximately $73000, $24,500 over four years (approx. $233/home). This is for the Cottage area – excluding the Common Areas. Board would like to get more details around what’s entailed in the costs from John at Showplace. An discussion to consider using a different service provider to do the replacement has occurred over the last few months via email. The board has decided it was in our best interest to use our existing landscaping provider who is already familiar with the system. Tom mentioned a homeowner would like to participate and potentially form an irrigation committee. Board will consider this but will not make a decision at this time. - Board member replacement
One board director has failed to attend meetings, respond to inquiries, or uphold their responsibilities. Board President will reach out one more time to see if that individual would still like to participate on the board. If no response is given, a special meeting may be required to discuss the removal of the individual on the board. - Curb address painting
A local Boy Scout troop is conducting a service project for painting addresses on curbs in the area. Proceeds will be used to help fund their scout camps during the year. In conjunction with TMG’s ability to send email notifications out to the community, Lisa and Todd will work together to advertise this service project.
VII. New Business
- Board to adjourn in to Executive Session for a legal matter
VIII. Adjournment
- Call for adjournment was at: 8:12 pm
IX. Reconvene into open session
- The board decided to add a line item for “bad debt” for the 2016 budget. In the same vein, a particular homeowner is disputing fine letters for parking a vehicle under a common walk way, arguing that it was a guest and not them. Board may work with Vial to waive the interest fees, etc.
- Adjourn at 8:38 pm