Annual Meeting Minutes 2014
Annual Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the Home Owners on the following year’s Annual Meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Oct 1st 1999 would be Approved at the next Annual Meeting Oct 1st 2000 and then posted to the web site.
Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Annual Meeting for October 21, 2014
I. Meeting Called to Order
- 6:35 pm
II. Proof of Notice of Meeting
III. Established Quorum
- Quorum was achieved with 114+ proxies and registration.
IV. Meeting Minutes
- Annual Meeting Minutes from Oct. 22, 2013 were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously.
V. President’s Report
- Lisa Walker facilitated the meeting and reported to the Home Owners a review of the year of 2014. Special focus was placed upon the Neighborhood Watch program, Social Committee, Tree Project (Davey Report) plan and committees involvement.
- A review and approval of the 2015 budget (motioned first and then seconded/carried)
- Nomination from the floor took place.
- Election of Board Members took place.
- Special recognitions
VI. Adjournment
- Call for adjournment was at: 7:50 pm