Minutes January 2025 Special

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting. For Example – Meeting on Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site. If the next meeting was Feb 1st, then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge P.U.D Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, January 6, 2025, 6:30 PM (Meeting held via Video Conference)


    • 6:43 pm


    • President: Joe Lopez
    • Vice President: Kay Syravong
    • Treasurer: Mike Farris
    • Secretary: Todd Behunin
    • Directors at Large:
    • Mary Marek Johnson
    • Jenny Krems
    • Daryl Stewman


    • 7:40pm

Minutes September 2024

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting. For Example – Meeting on Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site. If the next meeting was Feb 1st, then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge P.U.D Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting

Tue, September 10, 2024, 6:30 pm (Meeting held via Video Conference)


6:31 pm


Nothing discussed


Motion to approve July 16, 2024 meeting minutes – approved.



  1. 2025 Draft Arbor Ridge Main Budget

    1. Motion to approve Main Budget – approved

  2. 2025 Draft Arbor Ridge Cottage Collection Budget

    1. Motion to approve Cottage Collection Budget – approved.

  3. SavaTree Proposal – Pruning Along West Union Road

    1. Motion to approve Proposal #1235969 for the amount of $12401.00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from the Main Reserve account – approved.


  1. Balance Sheet

    1. Briefly discussed – budget is healthy.

  2. AR Aging Report

    1. Briefly discussed.


  1. 16788 NW Arizona

    1. Motion to remove the recently planted cherry laurels and extend the compliance deadline one year from now – approved.

  2. 16862 NW Desert Canyon

    1. AMS to follow up with the homeowner and clarify the CC&R policies as they apply to their situation.

  3. 16942 NW Arizona

    1. Motion to allow the homeowner to keep their modified good neighbor fence – approved.

  4. 17076 NW Oak Creek

    1. AMS to collect three bids to do the work.

  5. 17151 NW Gold Canyon

    1. Motion to approve the fee waiver request contingent on the homeowner submitting an ARC form to improve the existing lawn – approved.


  1. Irrigation Repair Invoices

    1. Motion to approve the following invoices for irrigation repair totaling $8390.60, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from the Cottage Reserve account – approved.

Contract# Amount
240009 $3,613.40
240012 $308.00
240011 $2,052.40
240010 $610.80
239726 $710.00
240007 $554.00
240006 $248.00
240008 $294.00

  1. Motion to approve Contract# 240013 totaling $474.00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from the Main Reserve account – approved.

  1. Landscape Improvement Proposals

    1. Cottage Collection Lawn Aeration

      1. Motion to approve Contract# 198603 totaling $2112.00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from the Cottage Operating account – approved.

    2. Main HOA Lawn Aeration

      1. Motion to approve Contract# 198604 totaling $1257.00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from the Main Operating account – approved.

    3. Triangle Plantings in 10 locations

      1. Motion to approve Contract# 214862 totaling $4020.00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from the Cottage Reserve account – approved.

    4. Tree pruning on La Paloma

      1. Motion to approve Contract# 221180 totaling $4371.00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from the Cottage Reserve account – approved.

    5. Stump removal and plant replacements

      1. Motion to approve Contract# 221127 totaling $1563.00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from the Cottage Reserve account – approved.

  2. Reserve Study Proposal

    1. Motion to approve contract with site assessment included – approved.

  3. Good Neighbor Fence

    1. Motion to adopt a new policy enabling homeowners to install a solid panel good neighbor fence if it is inside an existing chain link fence or to replace arborvitae – approved.


  1. Letter to homeowners regarding arborvitae lining walking paths

    1. Mike Farris to work with Marissa Cade and AMS to finalize the document.



Tree Work on West Union November 4 – 6 2024

SavaTree will be trimming the oaks and sweetgum trees on NW West Union Road from NW Oak Creek Dr to the end of the white fence during the hours of 8a to 5p each day.

Resident impact for these services should be minimal. SavaTree will re-direct traffic or block off shoulder/bike lanes as needed. Please obey direction from our Vendor. Below is some information provided regarding the upcoming service.

  1. Arrival times can vary. We do our best to give an accurate window, but some factors can cause delays. You do not need to be at the property for our crew to work on your trees.
  2. It may be necessary to reschedule the project in the case or adverse weather, or other causes that are beyond our control.
  3. Tree work may have a visible impact on your lawn and property due to the use of heavy equipment, or the dismantling of large trees. This can show up as divots, holes, sawdust, etc.
  4. While we will do our best to minimize, mitigate, and repair any such impact, we will operate under the assumption that your property can sustain the presence, weight, and movement of that equipment.

Annual Meeting Minutes 2023

Annual Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the Homeowners on the following year’s Annual Meeting.
For Example – Meeting on Oct 1st, 1999, would be Approved at the next Annual Meeting Oct 1st, 2000, and then posted to the web site.

Arbor Ridge P.U.D. Homeowners Association
Annual Owner’s Meeting Minutes

Thursday, October 26, 2023, 6:30 PM
(Meeting to be held via Zoom)

Proxy count: 144

Directors in Attendance:
Joe Lopez
Kay Syravong
Todd Behunin
Mike Farris
Mary Marek-Johnson
Jenny Krems

AMS Management:
Lynn Panzeca

order at 6:30PM. Management recorded the owner’s in attendance and those that
submitted proxies. 144 owners total attended via Zoom, and via proxy.

II. PROOF OF NOTICE OF MEETING – Notice of meeting was sent via electronic
communication and USPS on 10/10/2023

approve the 2021 and 2022 annual meeting minutes was submitted and seconded.
Motion to approve the 2021 & 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes passed

Directors thanked current and former Board Members and the community for
their participation.

V. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS – Joe Lopez, Jenny Krems & Todd Behunin were
appointed by majority vote of ownership to the Board of Directors of Arbor Ridge
P.U.D Homeowners Association for 3 year terms.


VII. ADJOURNMENT – Motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Motion Passed Unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 7:10PM.

Annual Meeting – October 29, 2024 at 6:30pm

The Arbor Ridge Annual Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. and will be held virtually (Please see the email from AMS for the Zoom meeting information or contact AMS for the information).

Please find documentation for the 2024 Annual Meeting. It is important that all Homeowners review these documents thoroughly.

2024 Annual Meeting Agenda
2023 Annual Meeting Minutes
2024 President’s Report
2024 Official Ballot – Please complete and return to cast your vote or submit vote online per below (Please see the email from AMS for Online Voting or contact AMS for the information).

Ballots may be returned via the following methods:
Email: [email protected] (Legible phone photos and scans acceptable)
Mail: Arbor Ridge HOA 16520 W Upper Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 250 Portland, OR 97224
Fax: (503) 598-0554

Please return your Ballot no later than October 28th, 2024. Board Members elected will be announced to the Ownership after the meeting. If sufficient quorum is not achieved, the Ballot deadline may be extended, and the Ownership notified via electronic notice of the new extended deadline date.

If multiple Ballots are returned or multiple votes are cast for the same unit, the most recently dated valid Ballot will supersede all others.

There are two (2) open Board positions. Owners may write in a candidate or self-nominate, but only candidates who agree to serve may be voted onto the Board.

If you have questions regarding any of the documents or the above Ballot explanation, please contact me via email at [email protected] or at (503) 598-0552.

Marissa Cade
Association Business Manager

Annual Meeting 10/29/2024 – NOTICE OF BALLOT & CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS

September 30th, 2024


As called for in your Association Bylaws, we are currently seeking Homeowners to volunteer to serve on the Board of Directors for your Community.

If you would like to volunteer for one of the open Board positions, please return the enclosed Board Solicitation Form, or a statement of offering, no later than Monday, October 14th, 2024.  Send by mail to AMS at 16520 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Ste 250, Portland, OR 97224; by email to [email protected], or by fax to 503-598-0554.

Voting this year will take place entirely via absentee ballot. The 2024 Annual Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 6:30 pm; this Meeting will be conducted via teleconference. Notice with Meeting attendance credentials will be issued with the Ballot, along with the procedure for voting, the 2023 Meeting Minutes, and any additional information.

Serving your Association at any level can be both rewarding and educational. Thank you in advance for your interest, participation, and for supporting your Association.  

If you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact any member of your Management Team at (503) 598-0552 or email [email protected].  

Marissa Cade,
Association Business Manager
On Behalf of the Board of Directors

Minutes July 2024

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting. For Example – Meeting on Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site. If the next meeting was Feb 1st, then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge P.U.D Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 6:30 PM (Meeting held via Video Conference)


6:30 pm


Nothing discussed


Motion to approve May 15, 2024 meeting minutes – approved.



  1. Balance Sheet

    1. Briefly discussed – budget looks good.

  2. Delinquency Report

    1. Will be discussed later.


  1. 16548 NW Talkingstick Way

    1. Motion to deny the $75 violation – approved. AMS to notify the owner that lawn/yard maintenance must be continuous.

  2. 16602 NW Desert Canyon Drive

    1. AMS failed to contact Pacific to address the issue from the previous meeting. Homeowner paid for and planted shrubs themselves. AMS to follow up with Pacific and add them to the “no prune list”.

  3. 16756 NW Arizona Drive

    1. Motion to approve the $75 fine waiver – approved.

  4. 16782 NW Greyhawk Drive

    1. Motion to approve Pacific Landscape Contract #211206 for the amount of $1199.00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from Cottage Operating account – approved.

  5. 16788 NW Arizona Drive

    1. Motion to approve Pacific Landscape Contract #211219 for the amount of $5837.00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from the Main Reserve account – approved.
    2. AMS to contact the homeowner and make them aware of the upcoming work.

  6. 16814 NW Oak Creek Drive

    1. Homeowner appeared to be unaware how their property was going to be affected by the “rejuvenation project”. No action needed.

  7. 17076 NW Oak Creek Drive

    1. Proposal was just received and the Board postponed discussing it until the next meeting.

  8. 17393 NW Gold Canyon Lane

    1. AMS to arrange the Sheriff’s office to come speak at the Annual HOA meeting.


  1. Arborvitae Maintenance

    1. Discussed with #2.

  2. Wetlands Walking Pathway Maintenance

    1. Board requested AMS to draft a letter to be sent to homeowners along the wetlands walking path, reminding them of their responsibility to water/maintain the arborvitae along their back fence. AMS to present that letter to the Board for later approval.

  3. Reserve Fund

    1. Discussed with #2.

  4. Compliance Checks

    1. AMS to send the board a list of all items being checked/reviewed during compliance walks.

  5. Pacific Landscape Management Irrigation Invoices

    1. Invoice 227242 @ $4827.00
    2. Invoice 229802 @ $5688.00
    3. Invoice 229850 @ $3950.00
    4. Invoice 236071 @ $625.00
    5. Invoice 236070 @ $224.00
    6. Invoice 236096 @ $282.00
    7. Motion to approve the above invoices totaling $15,596,00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from Cottage Reserve account – approved.

  6. Association Management Services Fee Increases

    1. AMS to send a notice to all homeowners about the fee increases.

  7. Association 2025 Draft Budget

    1. Budget line item adjustment proposals were discussed and noted.
    2. Motion to approve Pacific Management proposal for 2025, including annual contract amount for Main and Cottage, including the enhanced services – approved.

  8. Insurance Renewal

    1. Motion to stick with the current insurance provider (State Farm CID) – approved.

  9. Common Area Between Kino Springs & Talkingstick Way

    1. Motion to approve Pacific Landscape Contract #214882 for work being done in Track T in the amount of $3311.00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from the Main Reserve account – approved.


  1. Collection Resolution

    1. Not discussed





Pre-Emergent Treatment; Stay Off Soil Areas Sept 19th & 23rd 2024

Pacific Landscape Management will be performing the annual pre-emergent treatment on Thursday September 19th, 2024 and Monday, September 23rd, 2024. Their notice for this service is included below; To maintain your investment of living in a garden community, yearly landscape basic treatments are necessary to keep your maintenance cost low while ensuring the health of your investment. The following outlines your yearly planned treatment.

For pre-emergent applications, we spray the exposed soil where weeds can pop up. We will not spray plants or hard surfaces such as sidewalks.  Pre-emergent is used to prevent weeds from germinating.

Process takes approximately 6-7 hours to apply.
Stay out of beds (soil areas) until dry, approximately 2-3 hours or 24 hours.

Your Arbor Ridge Management Team
Association Management Services NW

Please Report Irrigation Leaks to AMS

If you notice any issues with the irrigation within the Arbor Ridge Cottage Collection (or Common areas of Laidlaw or West Union), you should report them to Management via email or by phone (Management Company Contacts). You will want to provide a brief explanation of what seems to be wrong (is it continuously running, not running at all or not facing optimally or watering the street or sidewalk?) and where it is located. If possible, include pictures if emailing.

Thank you,
Your Arbor Ridge Management Team
Association Management Services NW
On behalf of the Association’s Board of Directors

Minutes May 2024

Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting. For Example – Meeting on Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site. If the next meeting was Feb 1st, then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge P.U.D Homeowners Association
Board of
Directors Meeting

Tuesday, May 15, 2024, 6:30 PM (Meeting held via Video Conference)

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:30 pm

II. Open Forum

  • Board listened to and noted the feedback given by several homeowners in attendance.

III. Meeting Minutes

  • Motion to approve March 5, 2024 meeting minutes – approved.


IV. Financial

  1. Balance Sheet

    1. Briefly discussed – budget looks good.

  2. Delinquency Report

    1. AMS to track down and provide the Board with details regarding a particular lien expense that occurred around November 2023.

V. Homeowner Correspondence / Requests

  1. 4312 NW Diamondback Drive

    1. Board determined the area in question is not common HOA property and would be the homeowners responsibility to maintain. AMS to contact the homeowner, explain that mulch was only placed in common areas, and to suggest they submit ARC request which would give them HOA approval to do the work themselves.

  2. 16602 NW Desert Canyon Drive

    1. Motion for Pacific to work with the homeowner in determining how to rectify/replace the front bushes which were improperly trimmed, and provide a recommendation and bid for the board to review – approved.

  3. 16760 NW Oak Creek Drive

    1. Motion to approve Pacific Landscape Contract #201347 for the amount of $1582.00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from Cottage Operating account – approved.
    2. AMS to contact homeowner and verify work still needs to be done.

  4. 17076 NW. Oak Creek Drive

    1. Motion to have Pacific walk through the wetland area along homeowners back fences, both on the north and south sides, from NW Laidlaw to NW 174th laidlaw, and provide a recommendation and bid to combat/remove blackberry bushes that are encroaching homeowners backyards – approved.

  5. NW Kino Springs and NW Tucson St

    1. AMS to request a bid from Pacific to enhance the area along NW Tucson St between NW 167th Terrace and NW Talkingstick Way with a decorative lawn conversion streetscape and trimming of bushes along the black fence.

VI. New Business

  1. Disaster Preparedness Presentation\

    1. Briefly discussed – will be presented at a later date.

  2. Landscaping

    1. Irrigation Repairs

      1. Motion to approve Pacific Landscape Contract #225300 for the amount of $2100.00, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from Cottage Reserve account – approved.

    2. Crabgrass Treatment

      1. Motion to approve Pacific Landscape Contract #197565 for the amount of $1648.75, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from Cottage Operating account (Landscape – other) – approved.

    3. Weed Intrusion

      1. AMS to request recommendations and a bid from Pacific to combat weeds along the walkway behind NW Arizona Dr, possibly applying mulch in affected areas.

    4. Mailbox Repair

      1. Motion to approve HOA Services Job #32025 for the amount of $833.25, authorizing AMS to transfer funds from the Main Reserve account (Landscape – other) – approved.

    5. Collections Resolution

      1. Motion to adjust the Collections Resolution verbiage on page 2, paragraph 6: Replace the word “is” with “may be”, so the sentence reads: If the assessment continues to remain unpaid, the account may be turned over to the Association’s collection attorney. Motion approved.

VII. Unfinished Business

  1. Representation Agreement

    1. Motion to approve the revised agreement and appoint Joe Lopez as liaison with Vial Fotheringham – approved.

VI. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at: 8:00 pm