National Night Out Back On

The sheriff’s office came through at the last minute and Arbor Ridge and The Charlias Women’s Network will be able to put on the event.

August 5th starting at 6pm in John Marty Park.

Sorry for any confusion but we hope to see you there.

National Night Out Canceled

Arbor Ridge and the Charlais Womens Network have been working over the last couple of weeks coordinating with Washington County Sheriffs’ department for the National Night Out to take place on this Tuesday, August 5th.

We are sorry to say that this years event needs to be cancelled due to resources still pending to be allocated to the Bethany area.  They are still having the event at other location, but just not in our area this year. We haven’t received a call back to confirm.  So we think it is best to cancel and try to re-coordinate next year etc.

July 4th Parade and Party in the Park

Another fun and successful event was held this year with the Charlais Women’s Network (CWN).  Arbor Ridge HOA once again joined with CWN to be part of an annual tradition with our neighbors.  Arbor Ridge HOA provided volunteers and funding for the hot dog stand for the event. We served over 700 hot dogs.

Easter Egg Hunt

What a great turn out this year.  Lots of Families and their children attended the 2014 Easter Egg Hunt.  We missed the rain with just a few sprinkles.  Enjoy the pictures from the event.


Easter Egg Hunt – April 19th

Easter Egg Hunt

Announcing the Arbor Ridge HOA Annual Easter Egg Hunt.

Please come join our Arbor Ridge HOA 2014 Easter Egg Hunt. Everyone is welcome to come. There will be over 2000 eggs hidden for the children, raffle prizes, and crafts.

Bring an Easter Egg Basket or a carrying device for your eggs.

There will be three age groups: 3 years and under (parents may assist their little ones), 4 years – 7 years old, and 8+ years old.  Each child will receive a raffle ticket.  There will be a raffle drawing with prizes after the Hunt and also a neat craft for each child to take home to do.

Looking forward to seeing you at this special event.

Thank you!

The Board of Directors of Arbor Ridge HOA

When: Sat, April 19th, 10am – 12pm

Where: George W. Otten Park (NE corner of Laidlaw and Emerald Canyon)

National Night Out 2013

Arbor Ridge and the Charlais Women’s Network (CWN) sponsored the first neighborhood combined National Night Out at the John Marty Park on August 6th.  There was over 100+ attendees for the event. Guests attending the event included five Deputy Sheriffs, The McGruf Crime Dog and special guest Washington County’s Sheriff Pat Garrett.

Arbor Ridge sponsored the soda drinks, water, cool aid stand and Children’s raffle.

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July 4th Party at the Park

A perfect day and 30+ Volunteers from Arbor Ridge joined in with the Charlais Womens Network in the Charlais Neighborhood to put on a Fourth of July Event of the year.  Arbor Ridge joined our neighbors event this year and we hope to make this a traditional event with them.  We hosted the Hot Dog Stand at the event this year.

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Summer Activites


Here is what is happening, please come and join the fun:

Saturday, June 15th from 9 am to 2 pm — The Arbor Ridge HOA Community Garage Sale
Thursday, July 4th from 8 am to 2 pm — Celebration at the John Marty Park (Parade, Games, Crafts and all kinds of good food)
Tuesday, August 6th evening picnic — National Night Out – support to the Neighborhood Watch Program (John Marty Park)

“….We are looking forward to seeing you and your family this summer at the above events.  Come and join your community neighbors in celebration to the Summer of 2013”

Thank you,
Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association
Board of Directors

Easter Egg Hunt Fun For All

Sunny Day and lots of kids and their families!

Easter 2013

This was the start of a great Easter Egg Hunt we held at the George Otten on Saturday March 30th.  With over 2000 eggs scattered across the park in four age grouped sections and approximately 250 kids ready to go, we had one of the largest turn outs for the Easter Egg Hunt.  The kids had a great time scrambling for the eggs (no pun intended).  They also enjoyed a drawing held at the gazebo that lasted for an hour to give away all the fine prizes to the kids.

Special Thanks goes out to the Social Committee headed by Lisa Walker from the HOA Board.  We would also like to recognize The Management Group and Showplace landscaping who donated money which allowed this event to be at no expense for the association.


Easter Egg Hunt – March 30th

Easter Egg Hunt

Announcing the Arbor Ridge HOA Annual Easter Egg Hunt.

Please bring your children and be on time so they can participate.

Bring an Easter Egg Basket or a carrying device for your eggs.

There will be three age groups: 3 years and under (parents may assist their little ones), 4 years – 7 years old, and 8+ years old.  Each child will receive a raffle ticket.  There will be a raffle drawing with prizes after the Hunt and also a neat craft for each child to take home to do.

Looking forward to seeing you at this special event.

Thank you!

The Board of Directors of Arbor Ridge HOA

When: Sat, March 30, 10am – 12pm GMT-07:00

Where: George W. Otten Park (NE corner of Laidlaw and Emerald Canyon)