Approved Minutes For January 2009
Arbor Ridge HOA Meeting minutes January 26th 2009
Homeowner input –
Signs for this evenings meeting were not in the same locations as previously – Need a sign at Oak Creek and West Union was identified as a prominent location.
Garbage bins are being left out too long.
Suggestion that someone check over the neighborhood at 10pm to see if properties are in violation of the CC&Rs
Meeting called to order at 7:09pm
– Review minutes for September 2008 meeting. – Review was tabled till next meeting since minutes were not included in this meetings notes.
– Presidential Notes – No new notes for this meeting.
– Treasure Notes – No new notes for this meeting.
– Committee Reports
– Landscape committee – Homeowner mentioned that utility work was performed on West Union and Oak creek and the workers left the grass at that location damaged.
This was around the October/November time frame. Concern is in the sprinklers in that location and the condition of the grass.
– Social committee – Cathy will be taking the lead on the Social committee, Cathy suggested that the Board was involved in the Ice Cream Social, also having the Proxy ballots at the ice cream social and information about the neighborhood watch as well. Also possibly having the Newsletter sent out more often like quarterly.
– Management report – Board looked over the extensive compliance report and delinquent payment lists. In discussion about the homeowners that owe over $1,000 he board decided to make a motion to move these properties over to a legal firm of Barker and Martin to proceed with collections of these debts owed.
Monument rebuild update – The masonry is almost complete and the signage was being duplicated to replace the damaged ones. Progress was delayed dut to the recent weather.
– Graffiti issue – Discussion about how to address future incidents at this location. suggestion to remove existing fencing and replace with chain link (cyclone) fencing. One homeowner was attending the meeting and the board asked if this person would speak to the other affected parties to see if they would be open to the change in this fencing and possibly sharing the cost of this change. Board asked the management company to look into various quotes on removing the existing fencing, replacing the fencing and cost of the chain link fence installation.
– New business – Discussion on dues geared toward the Cottage homes. Possibly a change in the payment schedule for the cottage homes and breakup the landscaping dues to a quarterly payment plan. The Management group cautioned that the board may not want to single out one group of homeowners. And that flexable payments is an option if you call the management group. Also there could be an amendment to change how all homeowners make due payments.
Noting the time the discussion was halted and a call for adjournment was asked and this meeting was adjourned at 8:28pm
– John Michaud Secretary Arbor Ridge HOA