Recently all Home Owners received a letter from our Management Company containing a proxy form and information on the upcoming Annual Meeting on October 26th 2009.  It is really important that if you can not attend the annual meeting that you send the proxy form back in the postage paid envelope.  Last year it took three mailings and meetings to get a quorum of Home Owners in order to move forward with day to day business.  These extra mailing cost you as Home Owners $700 per a mailing.

We would really like to see the Home Owners attend the Annual Meeting so that you can have input on the members of the Board, find out what is occurring in your neighborhood and provide feedback as an Arbor Ridge Home Owner.

If you are interested in running for a Board Position please contact Nick Horn at The Management Group (see the contacts page) .  We are also looking for people to be involved with the Social Committee, Neighborhood Watch Committee, Architectural Review Committee, Newsletter Committee and Landscape Committee.  Please let us know by emailing us, contacting Nick Horn or attending the Annual Meeting.

If you have any questions about the Annual Meeting please contact Nick Horn at The Management Group.
