Approved Minutes for September 2009
September 28th ARHOA Meeting minutes
Tonight Attendance – Mike F., Sunil L., Dave C,. Lori C., Tom W., John M., Nick H.
I. Call to order at 7:04pm
– Homeowner Input – None this session
II. Meeting Minutes for July 27th, 2009
Discussion from dave C. about clause into CC&Rs This discussion was about rental unit caps which would require a community vote of 2/3rds majority to pass, this ended the discussion of the topic. Sunil had a question about the 70k in outstanding fees for cottage collection landscaping fees.
With the previous changes to the July minutes, the minutes willl be approved.
III. President’s Report – None this meeting
IV. Treasurer’s Report (July, August 2009) – Considerations to roll funds into a CD and this prompted Tom W. mentioned that NW Bank would be willing to work with the association as a financial consultant. Nick was asked to get in touch with NW Bank to have a rep attend the next meeting.
V. Committee Reports –
Landscape –
– Scrub replacement will start in October when the rains start in the Cottage Collection
– Common Area was walked
– Fur tree on Laidlaw is leaning severely and will have to be replaced (South of Oakcreek)
– Lawn on Oakcreek – Replacement is setup – this one replacement has been board approved
– Arbor Vida in various locations around the property is dying out for some reason, Showplace is paying for the Arbor Vida that is one year old. Spraying will cost $2,400
– Cutting level of Arbor Vida was discussed and decided that the height will be the same as the Cedar good neighborhood fence
– Irrigation hoses and lines should be inspected and checked to make sure they are working.
– West Union rhododendrons should be clipped in a uniform manner.
– Mini rose bushes will be pulled due to lack of proper care.
– Lights on Monument were on at 9:30am – sensor should be checked.
VI. Management Report –
Administration –
1. Compliance Report – The report is now 50 pages Nick requested that some of the older violations be dropped off.
2. Hearing Request: 16783 NW Tucson Street – This owner did not appear for the hearing.
3. Trustee Sale: 17185 NW Elk Run Drive – Notification only to the board no action required.
Financial –
1. Delinquency Report
2. Met Life Reimbursement – Will be paid back the settlement monies for the monument damage.
3. Proposed 2010 Budget – New line items, cost of dues stay the same as 2009 – Budget is approved by board.
Repairs & Maintenance
1. Irrigation along Tucson – Irrigation along Tucson is $2,040.00 (Board will ask Showplace to breakdown of these costs) Remove lawn and barkdust the parkstrip $580.00 Remove the lawn & plant a drought resistance ground cover $1,400
2. Fence Modifications at 172nd and Laidlaw – Discussion on Security cameras and nanny cams but Nick pointed out there were larger legal considerations and the issue was left to removing the white fence and replacing it with a cyclone vinyl clad type fence.
VII. Unfinished Business –
– Neighborhood walk – still need to have the board walk the property
VIII. New Business –
– Neighborhood watch – A brief explanation was given by John M. on Neighborhood watch. Hopefully some kind of movement on this will happen.
IX. Adjournment – Was at 8:27pm