Approved Minutes
Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Meeting July 12th 2010
Attendance: Mike F., Cathy P., Sunil L., Aditya K., John M. , Lynda D. from TMG
Call to Order: 7:07pm
Homeowner input: There were no homeowners in attendance this evening.
Meeting Minutes: Approval of meeting minutes for Board meeting held on May 24th 2010 and Arbor Ridge HOA special meeting held June 21st 2010. Cathy P. motioned to accept both meeting minutes for May and June with no changes.
President’s report: No report for this meeting
Treasurer’s report: Lynda D. provided Sunil L. with a copy of the 2009 Financials from the CPA firm of Williamson and Associates.
Committee Reports:
ARC Committee – two applications are currently in the committee for consideration.
Social Committee – Ice cream social is scheduled for August 21st and Cathy is asking for volunteers to help divide up the work needed to get the event off and running.
Newsletter – Thoughts of designing a new newsletter and highlighting the need for more community participation and other community related topics was discussed. Also the idea of bringing some local advertising to help offset mail costs was talked about.
Landscape committee – Mary was not in attendance this evening however we did get a general report out from Carolyn B that Mary was going to contact John at Showplace about issues with the current spring work on the cottage homes. Several homes were noted having poorly trimmed bushes and shrubs by Showplace.
Also a dead tree was identified during the last walkthrough and should be removed and not replaced. Cathy P. noted that there are several trees on Laidlaw and other locations on the property that have branches drooping and broken which may cause issues with traffic and don’t have a good appearance. Also more graffiti has been noted on the property fences.
Management report –
Administration –Most issues are non-board related just reminders to homeowners.
Financial – 16904 NW Oak Creek Dr is trying to get a $75 fine removed. The Board has already motioned to keep the fine. 4185 NW Chapparral Tr. Will be waved since this is a first time fine. And the homeowner has taken care of the issue.
Repairs and Maintenance –Bark dust is having some delays but some has been distributed. Fence cleaning will be cleaned after bark dust is distributed. And the seal coating on the private drives will also be done this season. Discussion on notifications and warning signs for homeowners on theses private streets was discussed. The company will be asked if they have signage to warn the homeowners.
Unfinished Business – Sign Resolution was discussed at great length, a synopsis of that discussion will be documented here. There were some edits to the sign resolution and those edits will be forthcoming as an addition to the minutes. The one major change is that rental signs will only be allowed in the residence windows on the main floor. No signs will be allowed outside the home. Motion to approve the sign resolution once the edits were in place by Cathy P. and seconded by Sunil L. As of July 2010 the current signage cases pending for rental signs will be waved and TMG will notify these homeowners of this information ASAP.
New Business – Board resignation that was submitted by Tom W. in an email and was approved by John M. and passed with a 3-1 vote.
Compliance reporting will continue through TMG process with TMG doing the inspections.
Adjournment – 9:02pm