Approved Minutes
Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Meeting January 24th 2011
Homeowner input
Pride Disposal had an hydraulic leak on Diamondback and left oil stains on Diamondback stretching 100 yards or more. Cathy P. called Pride Disposal and the company stated that they had done all that was required of them. Cathy P. feels that this is unsatisfactory and will continue to pursue this issue.
4312 Diamondback – violation for landscape is attending this meeting to discuss his landscape violations. After lengthy discussion Cathy P. motioned to have the homeowner split the fine – $35 Motion was approved by the board.
I. Meeting called to order – 6:33 pm PDT
II. Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve the meeting minutes for Sept. and Oct. 2010. Cathy P. and Mike F. motion to approve minutes.
III. President’s Report
In 2011 we need to concentrate on Resolutions for the Committees Established and Policies
IV.Treasure’s Report
No report
V. Committees
Landscape Committee
The current plantings from Showplace are not up to the quality they should be, The committee should be doing a walk with Showplace as well.
Wetlands should have the blackberries removed as soon as possible.
Landscape committee will do a walk through the 2nd week of February.
VI. Management Report
Homeowner Correspondence
Violations A, B, C – Motion to keep fines @ $75 from Cathy P. and David C. second. Issue D was tabled
Delinquency Report
Smith and Greves have been unsatisfactory with the current delinquencies, Lynda D. suggested that the HOA look at new representation for collections. Motion by Mike F. to move all $1,000 violations to collections and David C. seconded. Motion passed by the board.
VII. New Business
CPA Questionnaire – Signature required to proceed on a financial review
Mailbox areas – Restaurant taped flyers to mailboxes which left residue on the recently cleaned
Memorandum – Management Group Inc, contract – The board will need to sign for the renewal of Management group contract.
Compliance Dates – Dates agreed upon were Feb, May, June, July, Aug, Sept. and the second Thursday
Committee Roles/Resolutions – To identify the expectations of the committees and identify what the committee is responsible for.
Reserve Study 2011
Newsletter – Topics, discourage residents and community from posting announcements on Mailboxes.
VIII. Unfinished Business
IX. ARC Review
Narahari – Modifications to the home was presented and the board were all positive about the changes proposed by the architect and the homeowner. Board were in agreed that the results look good but wanted to make sure all the closest neighbours were also Ok with the proposed changes. Once the neighbors are ok with the changes the homeowner can move forward with the changes.
X. Adjournment – was at 8:30 pm PDT