Approved Minutes
Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for November 29th 2011
Homeowner Input
I. Meeting Called to Order
6:35 pm
II. Meeting Minutes
- July 2011 Minutes were motioned for approval and the Board passed the minutes unanimously.
III. President’s Report
- Mike Foster requested that the Board of Directors 2012 introduce themselves. This included the newly appointed board members from the October meeting. He also proceeded with communicating an overview of how the order of the meeting would be facilitated.
IV. Treasure’s Report
- Dave Cummings stated that as of October 2011 we are under budget to date and will continue operating under budget.
- Lynda Dulong will be finalizing next year’s annual budget.
- A discussion took place among the board members in discussing the renewal of the CD. It is generally renewed, as we get good rates on the CD. This is money from the Reserve Funds which we don’t need access to. It was agreed upon to automatically renew it. Dave Cummings stated that he is in review of laddering the CD portfolio which will give the best return on our investment.
V. Committee Report
- Architectural – None
- Landscape – A discussion on the street triangles that have been planted with ground cover. It was agreed upon that grass with mulch is the best solution to keep them neat in appearance.
- Mary Davidson has put together an adhoc committee to define the street tree issues. The trees have a possibility of damaging the water meters and sidewalks. The adhoc committee is a separate team that will continue discussing what options can be pursued to resolve the problems. It was agreed upon that the committee is separate from the Landscape Committee. This adhoc committed was not sanction by the board, rather it is home owner created to present their concerns and offer resolution for the board to consider if the board needs to be involved in a solution. The HOA is not to fund, as it would be costly and create possible liability if something, such as a water meter being damaged. An assessment and legal requirements will need to be reviewed, county requirements and compliances with defined codes.
- Special Events – Lisa Walker requested a motion to support the December Holiday Light’s event. A new flyer will need to be created by Lynda Dulong of approximately 550 flyers. Dave Cummings motioned that the event could be funded in the amount of $300.00. This would cover the Grand prize, 2nd prize, and 3rd prize. Lisa Walker, Harleen Kaur, and Aradhana Gupta will distribute the flyers within the community. It was motioned by Dave Cummings and second motioned by Mike Foster.
VI. Management Report
- Homeowner Correspondence
Homeowner, Ying – Property: 17206 Gold Canyon, asked for a motion to be proposed to the board for two separate fines of $150.00 and $75.00 due to the property was rented and the homeowner was not aware of the charges, and did not receive them in forwarded mail. The homeowner has now taken care of the conditions of the property and advised the tenants. Homeowner has updated TMG of the change of address taken place and in good faith states that it will not occur again. Homeowner asked for the fines to be waived. Mike Foster motion the request of waiver to be approved and Dave Cummings seconded the motion.
- Delinquency Report reviewed
No actions required by board
Repairs and Maintenance
No actions required by board
VII. New Business
- Motion to approve the new Board of Directors and Committees for 2012. Michael Foster (President), Mike Farris (Vice Chair) Lisa Walker (Secretary) Dave Cummings (Treasurer), Aditya Kapoor (Director at Large), Todd Behunin (Director at Large) and Architectural Review Committee members, Social Committee, and Landscape Committees – Motion passes.
- Mike Foster – scheduling a time for Darleen with the Sheriff’s Department, to participate in a future meeting to discuss disaster recovery and safety.
- Mike Farris – scheduling an overview from a local company, TruGreen, to present their product and services to the Committee.
VIII. Unfinished Business
IX. Adjournment
Call for adjournment was at 7:30 pm