Approved Minutes
Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for April 3rd 2012
Homeowner Input
I. Meeting Called to Order
- 6:35 pm
II. Meeting Minutes
- ** No Meeting held in January 2012 since Board Quorum was not met
- November 2011 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously
III. President’s Report
- Mike Foster requested the Arbor Ridge Showroom agenda review and introduced the Washington County Sherriff’s Office sponsorship on the Neighborhood Watch program development. He also proceeded with communicating an overview of how the order of the meeting would be facilitated.
IV. Treasure’s Report
- Dave Cummings stated that as of end of March 2012 we are under budget to date and will continue operating under budget.
V. Committee Report
- Architectural – None
- Landscape – discussion of Landscape improvements for the review of the landscape conditions in common elements. Management asked for a proposal to enhance entry areas, one being along Laidlaw and Oak Creek Drive and another at the entrance at Palmbrook. Additional discussion and overview of the Reserve Study 2012, and the perimeter community Fence.
- Mary Davidson has put together an adhoc committee to define the street tree issues. The trees have a possibility of damaging the water meters and sidewalks. The adhoc committee is a separate team that will continue discussing what options can be pursued to resolve the problems. It was agreed upon that the committee is separate from the Landscape Committee. This adhoc committed was not sanction by the board, rather it is home owner created to present their concerns and offer resolution for the board to consider if the board needs to be involved in a solution. Mary is working on defining and providing confirmed dates to meet with the Board to discuss concerns with street tree responsibility. Management will update the Board with any new information as received.
- Social Events – Lisa Walker gave an update on the current Social Committee event – The HOA Easter Egg Hunt for the children. Budget requested for event is $375.00, the board motioned for approval and the budget was approved unanimously. Lisa Walker also discussed the community garage sale initiatives for the month of June 2012.
- Neighborhood Watch– a discussion took place on creating a Neighborhood Watch program. It was motioned that Lisa, Michael and Ken Walker were in agreement to set up a program. The board motioned for approval, and the nomination of the Walker Family was approved unanimously. Due to the increasing number of incidents within the neighborhood the community felt an urgency of setting up a program. Washington County has a Crime Prevention Specialist, Darlene Schnoor, that will arrange a meeting with residents to come, and train, answer questions and distribute materials.
VI. Management Report
- Homeowner Correspondence
- The Owner at 4606 NW Sidewinder Place sent in a response to violation for having Holiday clips on his home.
- The Owner at 4124 NW Diamondback Drive sent in an email to notify the Board that his home was broken into on March 10th in broad daylight. Home owner discussed an overview of the happenings at the meeting with the community and Board.
- Delinquency Report reviewed
- No actions required by board
Repairs and Maintenance
- No actions required by board
VII. New Business
- Reserve Study 2012
- Perimeter Community Fence maintenance
- Landscape improvement (bark dust)
- Community Vandalism update
- Forming of the Neighborhood Watch Committee
- Discussion of new meeting locations and possible changed dates
- Compliance Ride to be defined in the month of April 2012.
- TMG Workshop to be held on April 28th. 8am – 3pm.
VIII. Unfinished Business
- Landscape Committee/Street Tree Discussion – Mary Davidson was contacted after the last meeting to provide dates where the Board and Landscape Committee Members could meet and discuss concerns with the street tree responsibility. As of date Mary has not provided confirmed dates. Management will update the Board with any new information as received.
- Lisa and Ken Walker will coordinate the Neighborhood Watch program initiatives and work in coordinating with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Darlene Schnoor, training date and scope of program developing for our community.
- Mike Farris is in review of “what can we do to provide safer streets”. For example: Speeding on streets and prevention of accidents.
IX. Adjournment
- Call for adjournment was at 8:30 pm