Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting. For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site. If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.
Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for May 21st 2013
Homeowner Input
I. Meeting Called to Order
- 6:45 pm
II. Meeting Minutes
- April 2, 2013 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously.
III. President’s Report
- None
IV. Treasure’s Report
- Mike Farris, Treasurer, did an overview of the financials and stated the following:
The Budget and Income are on track for the Cottage and Main Collection. As expenses come in for the year an on-going review and updates will be furnished.
Overall financials are doing very well. Cottage landscaping revenues exceeding budget for this time of year ($15,000 in the positive) For the Master Collection revenues exceeding budget for this time of year ($14,000 in the positive). We had revenue transfers for both the reserves.
V. Committee Report
- Social Events/Neighborhood Watch/Newsletter – Lisa Walker reported:
- The Neighborhood Watch program is still going strong with special current focus on providing continued crime alerts and educational materials from the Washington County Sherriff’s Department. Ken Walker has been attending the Washington County Sheriff’s Department Citizen’s Academy for the last 9 weeks, with one more week to go. He will be reporting to the Board of Directors his findings and how they may enhance our current Neighborhood Watch program.
- The Social Committee: The next events will be: June 15th (The Community Garage Sale), July 4th (The CWN annual event that will be a joint event with Arbor Ridge’s community. Arbor Ridge will be doing the Hot Dog stand), August 6th (The National Night Out Event, which is also a CWN joint event in support of the Neighborhood Watch Program) and The Holiday Lighting Contest in the month of December)
- Landscape – Discussion:
- Discussion took place on the sprinklers being flagged and observed for waste of water. A question arose on rain sensors, which we have been looking at (quite expensive to update, but is a possible option in the future)
- Everyone was reminded by Lynda DuLong (TMG) that if we see sprinkler leaks to phone them in right away.
- Architectural – Mike Farris reported:
- A discussion took place on the ARC Committee’s effectiveness. It was discussed the importance of having on-going records and the recording in permanent records for historical past and future data gathering. Special focus on painting and structural/uniform look. In the future a possible resolution to the CCR’s will be made.
- Given the lack of volunteering it was motioned that the Board of Directors would take over future requests. It will be done via email, and at least 3 approvals need to be done for each request within 30 days of time.
VI. Management Report
- Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information). Homeowner correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders, and overdue dues. It was discussed, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further.
- Delinquency report discussed in detail and recommended advisement of protocol in maintaining collections took place.
Repairs and Maintenance
- N/A
VII. New Business
- Walk ways and look at retaining walls. Quotes will be requested. We need at least 3.
- Pull report from Show Place Landscaping on sprinklers to see where water conservation can take place. Possibly shut off areas with excessive watering to help control the water expenditure.
- Seal Coat Proposal (for 2013 expenditures to include asphalt work for private streets).
- Spring compliance physical reviews.
- Possible resolution created for the ARC Committee for future compliance reviews.
- Pending late Spring/Early Summer 174th will be resurfaced.
- The black metal fencing behind the left document on Laidlaw needs to be removed.
VIII. Unfinished Business
- Davey Tree Plan and Project Management.
IX. Adjournment
- Call for adjournment was at 8:10 pm