Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.  If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.


Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for January 20th, 2014

Homeowner Input

Kathy: dog feces have been found along Laidlaw. Suggesting the HOA purchase 4+ temporary “push-in”
signs. Also would like to see rocks put around bus stop areas (approximately four areas) because the
grass turf is getting worn down.

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 7:03 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • November 19, 2013 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously.  Motion carried.

III. Treasure’s Report

  • Lynda DuLong gave the following report – There are no financials due to year end. Lynda gave a quick snapshot of our current financials.

IV. Committee Report

  • Social Committee – Lisa Walker reported:
    • Lisa Walker gave the following report:
    • Looking for volunteers to help out with the Easter Egg Hunt.
    • Lisa motioned we approve a budget of $750 for the Easter Egg Hunt (includes eggs, candy,
      raffle prizes, crafts, etc.). Motion carried.
  • Neighborhood Watch – Lisa Walker reported:
    • Nothing new to report.
  • Newsletter – Lisa Walker reported:
  • Landscape – Tom Wilkinson reported:
    •   Cold weather killed 17 triangle ground cover areas. Hoping the warm weather will bring them
    • Grass restoration and root grinding in summer time. Suggesting we put in bark mulch in
      areas that don’t take grass well. Consider doing things differently instead of continuing the
      status quo.
    • Requesting we create two landscape committee groups: one for the classic homes and one
      for the cottage homes. Kathy volunteered to be a part of the classic homes. Also suggested
      Mike Farris be part of that committee group.
    • Trees need to be pruned. Kathy reported a tree down by the park and gazebo
  • Architectural – Board reported:
    •  There is nothing pending.
  • Ad-Hoc Beaver Committee – Zen Dunaj:
    • We haven’t had much rain and more debris was removed so water level remained low. Water
      around Jeff’s house has also remained low. Zen proactively has been removing dams. Waiting for
      weather to get warmer to see how active the beavers will be. Zen is concerned that if we don’t
      remove the beavers, we will be spending more money to maintain the area. Bud Weaver will
      place his own signs up to warn homeowners of live traps in the area. There is a concern with
      what the signs will say to warn homeowners about live traps. Zen will ask Bud what his signs say.
    • Zen suggests we wait on planting trees for at least six months. Ken will go over to the bridge bordering Avamere and take a look at that dam to see if there is some additional work we can do
      to keep water flowing at that end.

V. Management Report


  • Homeowner on Tucson with trellis – HOA will grant an extension
  • Homeowner concerned with ShowPlace blowing leaves up toward the garage. Homeowner
    met with John at ShowPlace and worked out his concerned. Homeowner appears to be
    happy with the outcome.
  • Lynda talked about a neighbor-to-neighbor dispute regarding trash cans.
  • Engineering report: engineer says rock wall is ok. Engineer said that sudden water level
    drops could potentially erode the wall, but stagnant water against the wall should be ok.
    There are some areas which may need to be maintained. Overall, the integrity of the wall is
    fine. The engineer mentioned a concern with homeowners placing heavy objects (hot tubs,
    etc.) by the rock wall. We may consider having the homeowner(s)
  • White fence needs maintenance due to the moss. Lynda to collect bids from companies to
    clean them.
  • Work-Plan calendar has been created and the desire for it to be more visible on the website.


Repairs and Maintenance

VI. New Business

  • No new business was discussed.

VII. Unfinished Business

  • No new business was discussed.

VIII. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at 8:00 PM