Approved Minutes For November 2004

Arbor Ridge HOA Board Meeting Minutes 11/09/04

Deborah Bogle-Tao, Presiding

Rob Siegle, Recording

Somerset Christian Church, 7 pm


Deborah Bogle-Tao, Mary Davidson, Lynda DuLong, Allen Morgan, Robert Siegle, Pat Moore

Approval of the 10/12/04 Minutes

Motion made by Mary and seconded by Deborah. All in favor

Treasurer’s Report- Allen reported both the main and cottage may be under budget at the end of the year.

Response to Management 
9.       2005 Budget
v       Motion made by Mary to get 3 bids for landscaping. Seconded by Rob.  All in favor.

v       Motion made by Mary to replace annuals with perennials to reduce annual flower budget line item. All in Favor.

v       Motion made by Lynda for reserve study to be done by NWCM for the main HOA to more clearly understand future budget requirements. All in Favor.

v       Motion by Rob to look into tiering our savings into both CD’s and Mutual Funds to maximize return. All in Favor.

v       Motion made by Allen to hold an executive meeting after we receive HOA: legal reiviews, landscape bids, reserve study and insurance policies.  All in Favor.

7.       Tract I
v       Motion made by Mary to have the oak tree pruned and treated within 2 weeks by Collier.  Seconded by Deborah.  All in favor.

v       Motion made by Rob to review Mr. Corcoran request to pay back compensation for Tract I maintenance.  All in Favor.

v       Motion made by Rob to review the correct % of Mr. Corcoran request (as documented in the NWCM report) to split the landscape charges with the HOA.  All in Favor.

10.    Wetland Conservation Easement
v       Rob made a motion to have an attorney look over the document.  Seconded by Mary.  All in favor.
11.    Financial Review
v       Motion made by Lynda to have a financial review by Merina and Co.  Seconded by Allen.  All in favor.
Other Board Business
Communication plan
v       Rob passed out a communication plan for us to read.
v       Board will discuss the contract with the 2005 budget.
“For sale” and “garage sale” signs at Laidlaw and West Union.  Do we want these removed by NWCM?
v       Motion made by Allen to have Showplace Landscape remove the signs at no extra cost.  Mary seconded motion.  All in favor.
ARC Committee Report- no report.
Neighborhood Watch Committee Report –  no report.
Newsletter Committee Report- Greg Tao has volunteered to write newsletter.
Social Committee Report  -Holiday light contest will be judged 12/18.
Open Forum (last 15 minutes)

Punch List  (items that go to NWCM for research or action, etc.)
·         NWCM will contact Collier to arrange a time to prune and root treatment for the oak tree on Tract I.  Service needs to be performed within 1-2 weeks.
·         When does our contract with Showplace Landscape expire?
·         The board would like a copy of the insurance policy delivered to our home by NWCM on their next site review.  No need to send through US mail or include in the January management report.
·         The board would like a copy of the service level agreement and renewal dates are for Showplace