Approved Minutes Annual Meeting October 2004

Annual Meeting Minutes for Arbor Ridge HOA, October 12, 2004

Deborah Bogle-Tao, Presiding

Allen Morgan, Recording

Somerset Christian Church 7:15pm.

Board members present: Mary Davidson, Deborah Bogle-Tao and Allen Morgan.

  • The annual meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association was called to order at 7:15 PM on Tuesday, October 12, 2004.
  • Prior to the meeting being called to order, proxies and attending members were counted.
  • It was determined that there were 144 proxies and members present and that a quorum had been established.
  • Elections were held for the two board positions whose term had expired.
  • The names of, Deborah Bogle-Tao, Gregory Taylor (not present at the meeting), Manu Gupta, Rob Siegle and Lynda Dulong were placed in nomination.
  • Each candidate provided a brief introduction and background information about themselves.
  • Board member Allen Morgan and two homeowners from the association counted ballots and confirmed that Deborah Bogle-Tao and Rob Siegle were elected to the board.
  • The existing board members gave reports.
  • Under new business, questions and concerns were taken from homeowners.
  • Allen made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:25pm and Mary seconded it.  All were in favor.