Approved Minutes For January 2005
Arbor Ridge HOA Board
Meeting Minutes
Deborah Bogle-Tao, Presiding
Rob Siegle, Recording
Somerset Christian Church, 7 pm
Deborah Bogle-Tao, Mary Davidson, Lynda DuLong, Robert Siegle
Approval of the 12/17/04 Minutes
Motion made by Mary and seconded by Deborah. All in favor
Treasurer’s Report- None
Response to Management
Other Board Business
Construction Hearing:
· Mr. Chaterjee presented his case to the board, this document is available upon request from Deborah. The board committed to get back to Mr. Chaterjee in one week.
· Mr. Chaterjee contacted NWPM about his intent to build on May 21st, 2004 and construction was completed 21 days later on June 11th, 2004. This is 7 days short of the CCR and building approval contracts that Mr. Chaterjee signed.
· Potential improvements to process
o Educate home owner when they call NWPM
o Newsletter Article
o Website Article
Tract I
· Home owner was not notified and did not receive an agenda from HOA board
· Vendors to meet with homeowner ASAP and figure out landscaping solutions
· Mary will follow-up with Pat (NWPM) and home owner
· Next meeting the home owner must receive notice from HOA so we can make revisions and decide on funds to support initial and sustaining landscaping.
Landscaping Contract Extension
Rob motion to not accept landscape contract (1yr lease) until we have all paperwork, all in favor.
News letter benchmarks
The HOA needs to find resources to benchmark our newsletter to ensure we are hitting the mark with home owners. Data is needed in the following areas, Lynda was going to provide some examples for board.
· Goals & Objectives
· Approved Format
· Static Information
Arbor Ridge Rentals
Rob made a motion to look into a rental cap for the HOA, all in favor.
ARC Committee Report- no report.
Neighborhood Watch Committee Report – no report.
Newsletter Committee Report- no report
Social Committee Report -no report
Open Forum (last 15 minutes)
Punch List (items that go to NWCM for research or action, etc.)
· Pat will work with Mary to close on Tract I with vendors and home owner.
· Pat will work with Deborah and HOA to determine appropriate actions to resolve the Mr. Chaterjee construction hearing debate.
· Pat will provide the HOA with the full version of the landscape contract extension by 2/1/2005.