Approved Minutes For June 2005


Somerset Christian Church

Tuesday, June 14th @ 7:00 p.m.


7:02 PM – Open Meeting

Mary Davidson offered to lead this meeting due to resignation of President as of May 27.


April 12, 2005

Motion made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2005 meeting as presented.


Accept Budget per the following – Mary / 2nd Lynda

After a brief discussion the following questions were generated for Allan to take to Pat:

  1. Were we double charged in April by showcase per line item 6341/6361?
  2. Page 37 and 39 (7K phone transfer) who is signing for that? We need two signatures for these transfers so we don’t co-mingle funds.
  3. How are we charged for the attorney fees for the liens?
  4. Can we get statements delivered itemized?
  5. Can we see Pats itemized hours?

E-mail other questions of concerns to Allen by Friday about budget items for him to take up with Pat Moore.
Future business, come prepared to work with Pat to set expectations for finances. Taking board too much time to understand the details.


A. Reyna Lindert, homeowner brought a request to the board to financially support the purchase of a bench in the park next to the tree that was planted this past week to honor Kati Eldridge a young girl who lived in our community and died of a brain tumor recently. She and others are working with the Washington County Parks and Recreation Department and have found that the bench will cost $1000.00 and must be erected by the county.

The board encouraged Reyna to work with the family in raising the funds and several of the board members said they would gladly support the project personally, but that the board could not

B. Incident report log for Verizon

Tom Wilkinson 503-645-1215 will gather records from home owners.


A. Tract I –

1. On hold waiting from county to deal with measure 37

NW Management Retainer Contract –

1. NW Management Retainer Contract- Question for management, where are the detailed violations and violation letters sent to each home owner? When you come on site, why are you coming on site? May report 111 violations and June has no reports of violations.

Order “Community Notification” Signs

  1. Rob will create prototype for next meeting


A. Elect President for HOA

  1. Allen moves that we accept Debora’s Resignation Lynda 2nd. All in favor
  2. Mary was nominated for President by Allen, Lynda 2nd.
  3. Ken Pepe was nominated for Director at large by Allen, Lynda 2nd. All in favor.

B. Community Website Update: Rob reports that a committee is meeting and tentatively plans to have a web-site ready for launching at the September Annual Board Meeting.

C. Architectural Form and CC & R – Resolution

The board agreed to hold monthly board meeting’s for the next few months to try and get up to date with all the issues.

D.  Street Parking: Due to the length of the meeting this issue was put off for another meeting.

E.  News letter (Summer-August) will be mailed out with HOA announcement for the annual meeting. Allen agreed to do the final draft with others writing articles. The articles will need to be to Allen by August 1.

F.  Monthly meetings are to be moved to the third Tuesday of the month beginning July 19. This will all for a more timely delivery of the monthly report created by NW Community Management.

G.  Mary has asked that everyone’s communications be cc’d to all board members so that communication if transparent amongst the board members. All agreed with this.

H.  Lynda made a motion to place liens on lot’s 196 & 225 rather than turn over for collection at this time. Rod 2nd.

I. Next Month Tentative Agenda)

  • Street Parking
  • Review Sign Prototype
  • Review ARC process and paper trail
  • Website Update

