Approved Minutes For April 2006

Meeting Minutes


Mary Davidson called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:02 PM on 4/24/2006 at Somerset Christian Church.

Present Board Members:

Mary Davidson, Ken Pepe, Mike Farris, Dave Cummings

Not Present: Cathy Parson

Guests: None

I.          Approval of Agenda

The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

II.        Approval of Minutes

The minutes for March 27th 2006 meeting were unanimously approved.

III.       Treasure’s Report

  • Motion was made to move $60,000 for the Main Association (359) Checking Account to the Reserve Account to earn interest.  Vote: All In Favor-4/4
  • Motion was made to move $20,000 for the Cottage Association (358) Checking Account to the Reserve Account to earn interest.  Vote: All In Favor-4/4
  • It was noted that we only have $2500 in delinquent accounts.
  • It was noted we have a bill from NWCM for 3600 copies with no explanation
  • Action Item: Ken is going to request detailed explanation of charge.

IV.       Homeowner Input

  • Two home Owners Present
  • Homeowners inquired on how they can be involved in Social Activities.  Their names will be passed to the Social Committee.

V.                Old Business

Landscape Improvements

  • Crane Fly Treatment was completed.  It is advised that home owners not in the cottages also treat their yards and cottage owners treat their backyards.
  • Shrub replacement is occurring now to replace dead plants in the cottages and common areas.
  • Bark Dust Application will be completed after Shrubs are replaced.
  • Motion was made to have Showplace distribute flyers door to door in the cottage area where bark dust will be blown.  The cost will be less then $300 and provide notice to home owners to decline bark dust application and protect items they do not want to get bark dust on. Vote: All in Favor-4/4
  • Fence washing will be done after all landscaping and bark dust application is completed.
  • Parking strip proposal was made to review options to help homeowners maintain the parking strip and to review notice and fine options.  We will discuss in future meetings.
  • Insurance and Legal Issues, Dave is working to bring in an outside person to discuss our current coverage and if we need to change anything.
  • We still have two open vacancies to fill.
  • Welcome letter, board needs to review and provide feedback.  Need to decide method of distribution, should it be sent to all home owners, put it on the web site, arrange home owner meeting, or have NWCM send move in packet.
  • Wetland options where discussed for when turn over to HOA from West Hills Development occurs in 2007.  Possible option is to work with THPRD to maintain property.  Mary will be having a meeting with the over-site group that is watching over the wetlands for West Hills Dev.
  • Collection of damaged Trees on Laidlaw is being pursed.
  • Sidewalk in Tract I is still not fixed.  This is being followed up on.
  • Newsletter would like to have it out before May Meeting
  1. VI. New Business

Ice Cream Social

  • Will talk with vendors about possible involvement
  • Commercial trucks, extra vehicles and speeding on the streets is becoming an increasing issue.  Options need to be explored to help control the problems.

Parking in the Cottages

VII.     Adjournment:

Mary adjourned meeting at 8:18 PM. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on 5/22/2006 at Somerset Christian Church.

Minutes submitted by:            Mike Farris
