Approved Minutes For March 2006

Meeting Minutes

March 27th, 2006

1. Meeting Called to Order @ 7:00pm
2. Meeting Minutes Approved February in which Ken moved the motion to approve and
Dave 2nd the minutes and approved as submitted.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Cottage Collection had a loss of $5,800.34 and the main
association had a net gain of $11,800.00. NW Mgt. recommends we move $22,774
of retained earnings into the reserves along with $39,995.89 of the net gain earnings.
Ken and Mary suggested that the Main Association and Cottage Collection along with
a 3rd balance sheet seem very confusing. We need page numbers on the documents to
understand the financial budget. Ken is unable to arrange time to meet with NW Mgt
to get the clarity he needs. The transfer of funds is put on hold until we can
understand the logic of moving the funds from one account to another. We need to
add a line item of $99.00 per year to the budget for the Web site. Dave made a
motion to place a line item in the budget and Cathy 2nd the motion.
4. Old Business:
Welcome Letter: Cathy and Mary put together a letter welcoming new residents to
Arbor Ridge. A letter reminding everyone of the neighborhoods’ do’s and don’ts.
This included general maintenance of property landscaping and handling household
trash containers which seem to go by the wayside for many homeowners.
Presentation of the Welcome Letter may go out during an Ice Cream Social that may
occur sometime in May/June. A question was posed asking how the board will be
notified of the names of the new people coming into the development. Mary will
contact Kitty and see how the names are updated on the Association list. As well as
seeing what is the best way to get this letter out to homeowners.
Weekly Updates from NW Mgmnt. Via Kitty: Mary and other board members have not
seen weekly updates as promised. The weekly updates have happened in the past
maybe twice and have not gone forward as anticipated by the board members. We
recommend that NW Mgmnt. furnish the board with weekly updates.
Board Vacancies: We need to pursue neighbors who have a background in
accounting to sit on the board. In this position this member will understand and
explain the details the board needs to look on the balance sheet.
Wet Lands: Mary reported that she found out that our wetlands have not been
properly overseen. In the next 2 weeks there will be a walk thru with the proper
authorities. There is problem with the water system. There have been new plantings
this year. If they are to be brought up to proper status it is the responsibility with
LDC Design firm in which West Hills is currently paying.
Deeding the Wet Lands property over to the Parks department will be discussed in
order to save the association maintaining the Wet Lands. This is in preparation for
when the time comes for West Hills to turn the property over to the Arbor Ridge
Association Homeowners.
Community White Fences: Along with references Ken has received five bids with
prices ranging from: $1,895.00 to $3,800.00 for cleaning the white fences. Last time
the fences were clean were on West Union only. The plan includes the entire
association. Ken will perform a walk-thru to ensure all fences are properly taken care
of by the contractor.
Laidlaw Tree Damage: The board has received notice from Kitty that the board
should pursue our insurance company and ask State Farm to cover the expenses for
the trees that were replanted. State Farm should then pursue the other homeowner’s
insurance company that is located in China for reimbursements. The board agrees
that this is unacceptable. During the last board meeting we had requested a bill be
sent to the homeowner for the damage. The board believes the insurance rates may
go up and this is not acceptable for the small damage done to the trees on Laidlaw.
At this time it is agreed to go forward and bill the Arbor Resident for the damage.
For future claims Dave will follow up with the State Farm Representative. They will
discuss where the policy stands and the possibility of our premiums being affected.
Parking Strips: It was recognized that many homeowners have had problems
maintaining a healthy lawn and that some homes have dead lawns. Cathy articulated
that she had the soil from the front of her home removed and replaced and new lawn
planted and is continuing to have problems with the lawn. Her neighbors water and
also have the same problem. It was mentioned that it might be easier for everyone if
bark dust was laid down. However bark dust would be kicked out in the street,
making the situation worse. For assistance it was suggested that a list of available
contractors be added onto our web site. As a side note, Dave mentioned that it is each
homeowner’s responsibility to address their back flow preventor to ensure that they
are functioning properly.
Home Washing: Although we are a young association these and other general
maintenance chores not mentioned here need to be addressed. The board has noticed
that many homes are looking run down from the accumulation of mold and dirt.
Many homes need a good washing. The paint is peeling and people need to re-paint
their outside to bring the home back up to par.
West Union Flowers: Show Place wants to replace the landscape throughout the
Cottage Collection which includes 60 homes. Dead shrubs will be replaced with a
more common variety at an estimated cost of $1,269.00. Mary had a concern about
the new shrubs and would like a nicer variety of plant. Dave motioned to give Mary
the authority to make the landscape decision on West Union with the budget amount
of up to $1,400.00. Ken 2nd the motion.
Our Attorney and Insurance Agent: Dave would like to invite them to one of our
meetings. The insurance agent to explain our coverage and our attorney to review our
contract with NW Mgt. The attorney is $250.00 per hour. However, Dave will go
back and get more specifics on what he will look at exactly and recommend.
5. Meeting Adjourned at 8:35pm.
