Approved Minutes For August 2006
Meeting Minutes
Mary Davidson called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:00 PM on 8/28/2006 at Somerset Christian Church.
Present Board Members:
Mary Davidson, Ken Pepe, Mike Farris, Cathy Parson, Dave Cummings
Not Present: N/A
Guests: N/A
I. Approval of Agenda
- The Agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
II. Approval of Minutes
- MOTION was made – Approve Minutes for May 22nd 2006
- MOTION was made – Approve Minutes for July 24th 2006
III. Treasurer’s Report
- Overall Finances look good and we are on track. Questions on the dollar amount of delinquencies in the cottages need to be further investigated.
- ACTION ITEM – Ken will contact NWCM to explain the large dollar amount in the cottages being delinquent. He will report results at the September meeting.
IV. Homeowner Input
- Two home Owners Present
- One home owner was inquiring about the increasing amount of portable basketball hoops appearing in the community. This is a discussion topic for the meeting tonight.
V. Old Business
Ice Cream Social
- Social committee said it was very successful. They would have like to see more home owners at the event. They commented how they received great support from the Fire and Police services. THPRD provided extra tables and garbage cans for the event. Showplace Landscaping was appreciated in donating the ice cream for the event. Board members were able to meet with home owners for Q & A about the board, the HOA and the community. This is likely to be an annual event due to the success.
CC & R Parking Violation Process
- Concerns over verbiage and how the CC & R’s are interpreted by the board. The effort is suppose to be an informative process and positive outcome for the Home Owners. Review of the CC & R’s where done and discussion of their intent for the community was discussed.
- The Intent interpreted by the board is that each home owner should use their garage bays and driveway to park their vehicles. Recreational vehicles and trailers need to be stored in the garage and not the driveway. Street parking is not for the home owner’s vehicles and should be left clear for guests and temporary parking.
- MOTION was made – For Ken and Dave to review and re-write the friendly reminder notice and bring it to the next board meeting for approval.
Lot 92 and 93 Arborvitae Irrigation Clarification for Action by NWCM
- MOTION was made –
- Arborvitae water system shall be reconnected and restored to its original configuration as laid out by the developer West Hills and connected to a common water meter under the responsibility of the HOA.
- West Hills to Install and Pay for water meter covering the watering of the arborvitae for Lot 92 and 93 which should have been completed by West Hills before the turn over to the HOA. West Hills has acknowledged they failed to complete the Water Meter Install.
- Lot 92 will need to turn over the Backflow device they took from the watering system for the arborvitae and pay for any costs incurred for reconnection of the backflow device to the arborvitae watering system. The work will be completed by Showplace Landscaping.
- ACTION ITEM – NWCM to follow instruction in the motion to correct the issue ASAP.
Elk Run Watering of Arborvitae
- Mary has verified with Showplace that this are is no concern of the HOA and that all Arborvitae are being watered by home owners. This is a non-issue.
Basketball Hoops
- MOTION was made – All Identified home owners will be notified that the portable basketball hoops need to be removed from the following; Streets, Sidewalks, Grass and Common Areas. They are not allowed to leave them out overnight in these areas. They must be stored in the driveway or garage when not in use.
- Discussion on responsibility of who should and what should be done about trees damaging sidewalks or are damaged from weather or disease. In general the home owner is responsible for both the tree(s) and sidewalk on their properties.
- Homeowners can submit an ARC application to replace a tree.
- Washington County and West Hills developed a Street Tree plan that must be adhered by home owners.
- Cottages home owners might get damaged trees replaced per the Landscape Maintenance fee that they pay. Further investigation should be made to decide what the landscape fee actual should cover.
- It was suggested by the board that concerned home owners help form a committee to work with the board, home owners and the county for possible solutions to problem trees.
- MOTION was made – Requiring NWCM to follow up on the implementation of a Chronic Nuisance fine that was discussed in the July Board Meeting. NWCM was to follow back up with information as to a process, procedure and a template for the board to review.
- ACTION ITEM – NWCM to provide requested in motion as requested.
- Concern over debris and status of the wetlands was brought up. Mary continues to work with West Hills and the Future turn over of the wetlands to the HOA. She will be meeting with West Hills in the near future and will report back in future meetings.
Tree Replacement
Chronic Nuisance Fine Follow Up
Wetland Status
- VI. New Business
Tract I Request by Home Owner for Tree
- Board was under the impression by NWCM that Tract I was deeded over to the homeowner on Lot 96 and that the issue was closed.
- MOTION was made – The HOA in good faith and in discussions and agreements made with the home owners that Tract I would be deeded over to the home owner on Lot 96 after landscaping with grass and grading was completed. The home owner would then complete any additional landscaping that they wish. The HOA will not install any trees at the HOA expense as per the initial discussions.
- ACTION ITEM – NWCM will notify the home owner of Lot 96 their request for a tree is denied based on previous agreements between the home owner and the HOA, and the HOA good faith decision to give LOT 96 the property of Tract I as it is mutually beneficial to both the home owner and the HOA.
- ACTION ITEM – NWCM will also follow up on the exact status of deeding over Tract I ASAP.
Financial Review for 2005
- MOTION was made – despite not receiving information from NWCM for bids to have a Financial Review completed. The Board will authorize the Board President to carry out and ok the lowest BID received from NWCM
Meeting Minutes
- We will return to detailed minutes for our meetings to ensure action is clear to the management company (NWCM) on board decisions and requests.
Annual Meeting
- MOTION was made – NWCM shall continue to honor our contract and conduct the Annual meeting for Board Elections and provide proper notice to the home owners of such said Annual Meeting which will be held on September 25th 2006.
- ACTION ITEM – NWCM to carry out and prepare for Annual Meeting as directed by the board. In addition to the notice we would like to include a notice that we will hold a raffle for all attendees.
VII. Adjournment:
Mary adjourned meeting at 8:50 PM. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on 9/25/2006 at Somerset Christian Church, following the Annual Meeting/
Minutes submitted by: Mike Farris