Approved Minutes For April 2007
Meeting Minutes
Mary Davidson called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:00 PM on 4/23/2007 at Somerset Christian Church.
Present Board Members:
Mary Davidson, Lori Constant, Cathy Parson, Dave Cummings, Ken Pepe, Mike Farris
Not Present: None
Guests: Michelle Underwood (TMG), April Carroll (TMG)
- I. Approval of Agenda
The Agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
- II. Approval of Minutes
Adjustment to the March Minutes; Mary adjust minutes to reflect Mary did not review minutes
MOTION was made to approve minutes with adjustment– Approve Minutes for March 2007
III. Treasurer’s Report
Ken did not receive the Treasures Report; they will need to be reviewed in May Meeting Dave had Question regards large charge on sprinkler repair. The amount was for sprinkler activation, 98 sprinkler heads, and one timer. We are over for the month but not over annually. Mary Questioning Bad Debt Expense asked TMG for an explanation.
IV. Homeowner Input
Five H/O Present
Question if you live in the Cottage Collection do you have a choice to pay the H/O dues?
Mary – said that you have to pay for the services. It is part of the purchase of your home.
Michelle will follow up with home owner; she is one of the lots that have never been charged and should have.
Question 174th & Lapaloma… Gully, wetlands area need attention… Pictures of areas where presented to the board of the wetland and gully areas that have not been cleaned up.
Michelle and April would like them to follow up with the H/O attorney to talk to Arbor & West Hills; Some dead trees … may need to be cleaned up … walls may need Signage for no climbing, Old Car in the creek? Loose Fence in the west side of wet lands.
Question Box Elder Bugs; Per Showplace they just started hatching and they suggest spraying
$270 we should wait till they hatch. Michelle will contact Showplace and discuss options for controlling.
- V. Management Report
One Board Resignation
Chandru will need to resign for personal reasons, when things clear up he would still be interested in re-joining if there is a position available.
Compliance Report
Revised Report presented for easier readability and better information.
Meeting Notice Signage
Example of sign verbiage
Need to lock them down with a cable and keyed locks
Change Signs will read: ARBOR RIDGE
HOA Meeting
Mon @ 7:00 PM
Somerset Christian Church
Signs should cost less than $1000, April will validate costs
Collection Resolution
Signed by Board
Fine & Enforcement Policy Resolution
Dave had question of order of fines to letters; Michelle clarified the information; Mary stated that we had a professional attorney review and TMG believes the verbiage is legal.
MOTION was Made to approve the policy as written – 1 Nay from Dave; 5 In Favor
Audit Resolutions
Was signed as written
TMG has stated that the Turnover will happen; they do have to respond to objections
We want to be a part of the walk through for the wetlands
Delinquency Report
There are no pending collections for some of the high delinquencies per VF / NWCM. TMG needs to continue researching to make sure they do not file a lien if there is already one. Board will verify if any homes are up for sale.
Audit & Taxes
C&M are working on the Audit for 2006; they are 30 days into it.
Reserve Study
Michelle will email the whole report to the Board.
Delinquent Owners
Being paid as agreed
Overpaid Assessments
Being refunded
16926 Greyhawk
Home Owner is aware of issue
Tract I
MOTION – to put down a ground cover that is low maintenance, drought resistance – 1 Nay Cathy; 5 in Favor
Moss control
Showplace will do moss control this week in the Cottage Collection
Deduct Meter
Being installed this week
Annual Flowers
Showplace can move forward with $150 purchase
VI. Old Business
Wetland Transition
Already discussed
Neighborhood Watch
Postponed due to unforeseen circumstances of committee chair
- VII. New Business
Avamere expansion of facilities and services
No concerns by the board, no comments from home owners
Bethany Blvd changes coming
Washington County is beginning to start the process of widening Bethany Blvd
Watering concerns to change Watering to occur less often
We are unable to adjust the watering system because we are on the battery pack system; we would have needed to have a hard wired system by West Hills.
Board Training
Michelle – Eric from Barker Martin said they may be willing to do some training of board members
Barker Martin is doing a Seminar
CAI – has a seminar coming up; CAI chapter in WA might be a better choice then the Oregon chapter. They are more active then the Oregon one.
New Neighborhood signs showing up on our property
Michelle has been trying to contact West Hills, Arbor Parc & Arbor Heights about placing signage on community property. West Hills should be respectful of the CCRs since they helped write them for our community. Michelle will continue to try and get them to cooperate. The Board will be considering having them remove their large sign on West Union & Laidlaw when the time period has expired per our agreement.
- VIII. Adjournment
Mary adjourned meeting at 8:40 PM. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on 5/28/2007 at Somerset Christian Church.
Minutes taken by Mike Farris