Approved Minutes For March 2007
Meeting Minutes
Mary Davidson called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:00 PM on 3/26/07 at Somerset Christian Church.
Present Board Members:
Mary Davidson, Lori Constant, Cathy Parson, Dave Cummings, Chandru
Not Present: Ken Pepe, Mike Farris
Guests: Michelle Underwood (TMG), April Carroll (TMG), Anthony (Homeowner)
- I. Approval of Agenda
The Agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
- II. Approval of Minutes
MOTION was made – Approve Minutes for February 2007
- III. Treasurer’s Report
Ken was not present and Chandru did not receive the report.
Mary and Ken reviewed report
Assets and Liabilities are balanced, Budget for 82K is fine
Main and Cottage – fee income was transferred into Reserve
MOTION was made – Approved Financials for February 2007
- IV. Homeowner Input
Homeowner Anthony had concerns about $37,000 for watering in Cottage Collection.
Can we cut back on out water to watering every other night to reduce bill.
ACTION ITEM- Mary to ask Showplace if every other day is possible. Not sure how much this change will reduce bill since we are on a commercial rate.
Arbor For Sale Sign – Homeowner asks if this is fair since it is for homes outside of the area.
What are the considerations for other companies/people who want to “buy” the space.
Board says now that we have homeowner input we can voice the opinion that we do not want future signs in the neighborhood.
- V. Management Report
Compliance Report
Violations are to be in numerical order and will be set up by street and spaced out. We are
waiting to see the customized report to make it easier to read.
List of violations brought to the board and handed over to TMG for follow up
Tract I
80% approval is necessary to deed property over. Showplace to be consulted
about planting the area. A Maintenance Easement will be proposed to homeowner
MOTION made – ALL in favor
LOT 92/93
Homeowner can’t locate the timer – Showplace will replace if Homeowner is unable to locate
Meeting Signage
5 signs to be purchased for a total of $1,000
Need to lock them down with a cable and keyed locks
Signs will read: ARBOR RIDGE HOA
Board Meeting
Mon @ 7:00 PM
Sunset Christian Church
Fine and Enforcement Policy Resolution
Changes to wording to be made
MOTION made – ALL in favor
Mike Farris continuing to work on this
Delinquency Report
Report was reviewed, we will see only 60 day or more on the report 26K is outstanding on Cottage Collection, NWCM is not communicating the status of collection on delinquent accounts
John from Showplace recommends spraying for moss
MOTION made – Mary able to approve spraying for moss up to $500
Letter to go from Attorney to put West Hills Development on Notice that they are responsible to fix any problems in the wetland area
VI. Adjournment:
Mary adjourned meeting at 9:00 PM. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on 4/23/07 at Somerset Christian Church.
Minutes taken by Cathy Parson/typed by Lori Constant