Approved Minutes For February 2008
Meeting Minutes
- Call To Order
Cathy called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:17 PM on 2/25/2008 at Somerset Christian Church.
Present Board Members: Lori Constant, Cathy Parson, Mike Farris, Dave Cummings, Joey Mohr, Sunil Luhadia
Not Present: Chandrau Vaidyanathan
Guests: Nick (TMG)
Home Owners Present: 3
- Approval of Minutes
- MOTION was made to approve minutes with adjustment– Approve Minutes for Jan 28 2008
- ALL IN FAVOR – 6/6
- Treasurer’s Report
- January 2008 Financial Review
- Joey says that we are currently under budget
- January 2008 Financial Review
- Homeowner Input (Moved to the Top of the meeting)
- Home Owner inquiring about Dog Defication on his yard
- Suggested that h/o contact animal control, Nick offerred to send a letter to the h/o if he knows the address, we can republish the last article of clean up after your pet in the next newsletter
- Two major home break-ins in the Sommerset Neighborhood has occurred recently, apperently identified as a white truck white males 18-20 years of age, also reported that it could be new mexico plates possiblly silver in color, break ins are occurring thru the front doors, H/O will send plate info to post on web site.
- Home Owner inquiring about Dog Defication on his yard
- Management Report
Compliance Report
Nick noted the information is low, Lori has been ill lately and lately she has information that will be forwarded to Nick for processing
New Trash Cans
Some home owners on Union Hills are leaving them on the outside, others leave them in the street & driveway
Problems are some home owners do not have room on the side of their house due to rock walls
Home owners can use Garage, Back Yard, or Side yard behind plants or fence
Violation Response
Remove late fees for 2 home owners (16878 NW Desert Canyon, 16922 NW Greyhawk Drv)
MOTION MADE – If there is no late history then drop the fees, if there is a late history then the fees stand
Remove Violation Fine (4617 NW Silver Creek)
Due to home owner not having a history of fines and they have complied it will be waived
17092 Tuscon Fees
If he brings his dues current the board will reconsider
16993 NW Mesa View
We have not seen a plan to remedy the situation with the requested 60 days
We need the yard fixed, and payment full is due and need a plan of who, when the yard will be fixed
Delinquency Report
Report looks good we actually look pretty good for the number of homes
Repair Bids for Monument Sign
Received 3 bids 6000, 1325, 1275
MOTION MADE – Approve Brightside Electric for 1275.00
- ACTION TMG – Proceed with Repair
Sprinkler Repair cost Breakdown
ACTION TMG – Communicate to Showplace to make sure heads put down and slow done when cutting
Speed Bump
Washington County said they have 2 phases and would like to perform a study and try other methods before installing a speed bumps
Speed and Parking issues
MOTION MADE – To Have TMG contact Washington County to start a study
- ACTION TMG – Contact Washington County to start process
- Old Business
- 16550 Parking on Yard damaging plants and sprinklers – Notice Sent
- ACTION TMG – Fence Cleaning Bid needed
- ACTION TMG – Bark Mulch Bid needed
- New Business
- Landscape Committee Report
- A walk was done
- Crane Flies are causing the yellow spots in the lawns, 1680.00 treatment for Common & Cottage
- Moss Problem can be sprayed 1000 cottage 450 common total 1450.00
- Mary – will ask Showplace to see if they can use a combo product of fertilizer to manage moss & crane flies
- MOTION MADE – grant Mary the discretion to approve the amounts of 1680 & 1450 or less
- ALL IN FAVOR – 6/6
- ACTION TMG – Based on Mary’s Finding on reducing the cost she is ok to direct Crane and Moss control
- Spruce Tree that was previously removed between Oak Creek & Palmbrook needs to be replaced still, best time to replace is now for 160.00
- ACTION TMG – Ok to replace tree cost is within budget
- Additional tree problem will be sent to Cathy
- Landscape Committee Report
- Adjournment
Cathy adjourned meeting at 9:00 PM. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on 3/24/2008 at Somerset Christian Church.
Minutes taken by Mike Farris