Due to the lack of the number of proxies being returned with the combination of home owners attending tonight, we were unable to complete the Annual Meeting.  The meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday (Not Monday) November 3rd 2010 at the Somerset Christian Church.

In order to have a Board to complete the needed and required tasks of the CCR’s we need to establish a Quorum of Home Owners at the meeting and/or proxies returned providing voting rights to elect new Board Members.  Each time we do not meet the Quorum it costs you the Home Owner additional money to have a required mailing sent to each Home Owner.  The Cost is usually around $700-$800 per mailing to all 571 homes.  This includes the cost of paper, printing, mailing and time for the mailing to be processed.

Please attend the next annual meeting or you can obtain a Proxy Form here –> 2010 Oct 25th Proxy

You can scan and email it to Lynda DuLong or Fax it to 503.598.0554
