Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting. For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site. If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.
Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for July 30th 2013
Homeowner Input
**An in-depth discussion took place regarding the Natural Habitat and the Beaver/Fish and Wildlife & Clean Water Services/ management of the Beaver Dams and water flow
I. Meeting Called to Order
- 7:00 pm
II. Meeting Minutes
- May 21, 2013 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously.
III. President’s Report
- None
IV. Treasure’s Report
- Mike Farris, Treasurer, was absent, but Lynda DuLong (TMG) gave us a brief update:
2014 preliminary budgets for the Masters and The Cottages are being put together and reviewed. We then can plan our organizational goals in terms of specific financial and operating objectives.
V. Committee Report
- Social Events/Neighborhood Watch/Newsletter – Lisa Walker reported:
- The Neighborhood Watch program is still going strong with special current focus on providing continued crime alerts and educational materials from the Washington County Sheriffs Department. Ken Walker completed his attendance of the Washington County Sheriffs Department’s Citizen’s Academy in the month of June. He reported that it was very interesting, and he learned about all the different department’s functions. In support of the Neighborhood Watch Program we discussed further defining the project of incorporating a Disaster Recovery program. Mike Foster suggested we engage with Michele Grote of Thrive Life. Michele has confirmed she will be attending our HOA Annual meeting on October 22, 2013 to do a presentation and over view of her product and services.
- The Social Committee: Our July 4th Arbor Ridge and CWN social event went very well. Arbor Ridge hosted the hot dog stand, and gave out over 500 hot dogs. We had 31 volunteers from Arbor Ridge, which was so much appreciated. The next scheduled event is August 6th (The National Night Out Event, which is also a CWN joint event in support of the Neighborhood Watch Program) and the last event of the year is going to be The Holiday Lighting Contest in the month of Dec.2013
- Landscape – Discussion:
- Tom Wilkinson, reported he worked with ShowPlace Landscaping to define certain sprinklers to be shut off (also to fix broken sprinters) and to change the watering schedule where needed to cut down on the water expenditures.
- In the common area there was a dead tree, ShowPlace managed the removal.
- A tree was topped off (broke off) and may have been a potential vandalism.
- There will be new Arborvitae planted in needed area. It was motion, and motioned second to approve $505.00 for this project to be implemented.
- The Biggest project is still being managed forward, The Davey Tree Project. An oversight was made, but amended to report correctly on the report by Ruth. There will be a spread sheet available to defineeach tree’s physical address. There are 78 trees for removal this year. 28 are located on Arizona Drive, and 13 located on Desert Canyon. We discussed the importance of the impact of the appearance of these areas, to be discussed and reviewed carefully. Also, a discussion took place on marking/tagging the trees or curbs with paint. For accuracy there will be a GPS locater for the tree removal project. Trees are scheduled (and home owners will be notified) that August 2013 will be the beginning of the tree removal, and planting to occur in Sept. 2013 and October 2013.
- Lynda DuLong (TMG) brought up the importance of the Landscape budget for 2014 and the review of it.
- Architectural – Mike Farris reported:
- One pending ARC board review, and no other updates made at the meeting.
VI. Management Report
- Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information). Homeowner correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders, and overdue dues. It was discussed, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further.
- Delinquency report discussed in detail and recommended advisement of protocol in maintaining collections took place.
Repairs and Maintenance
- N/A
VII. New Business
- Reserve Study 2014
- Showplace Landscaping Budget 2014
- Social Media/Facebook
- Landscape Replacement
- Beaver/Fish Wildlife: **An Ad Hoc committee was formed (and motioned once and then second) to be formed to address the concerns of the home owners and to define a plan to be presented to the Board in the near future to review and possibly approve given the restrictions and the compliancy that must be met by set legal guidelines.
VIII. Unfinished Business
- Davey Tree Plan and Project Management.
IX. Adjournment
- Call for adjournment was at 8:10 pm