Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting. For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site. If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.
Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for January 20, 2015
Homeowner Input
- None
I. Meeting Called to Order
- 6:34 pm
II. Meeting Minutes
September 23, 2014 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously. Motion carried.
III. Treasure’s Report
Lynda DuLong gave the following report:
We are trending on track with all budget categories with the Main and Cottage Collections. TMG received the Reserve Study Report for both the Main and Cottage Collections by Reserve Funding.
IV. Committee Report
- Neighborhood Watch – Lisa Walker reported: Going well. Continue to send updates as she gets them. Gave a report of an intoxicated woman that was wondering the neighborhood in the early part of the morning checking for unlocked doors. Homeowners need to be sure to lock doors. Newsletter will be going out in March.
- Social/Newsletter Committee – Lisa Walker reported: Holiday Lighting Contest went well. There were three winners. Easter Egg hunt will continue again this year. Putting together a craft/activity book as well. Working with other organizations to put together a new location for National Night Out.
- Motion to approve a budget to purchase supplies for the Easter Egg Hunt – not to exceed $800. Motion carried.
- Landscape – Lisa Walker Commented: Discussion around the organization of a new landscape committee that would oversee the Main Collection. Possible guidelines around landscaping policies were discussed. Motion to create this new committee. Ken Walker to be the committee chair and Mike Farris to assist.
- Motion carried. Compliance frequency will typically start in February-March and possibly continue quarterly. Board to start with reminders, like in the newsletter(s). Then move into compliance.
- Architectural – Board reported: No report was given
- Ad-Hoc Beaver Committee – Zen Dunaj: No report was given
V. Management Report
- Board discussed dissolving the payment plan option. Only one homeowner is currently doing this and is not under any hardship since December 2009. The board agreed that payment plan option will only be available for reasonable hardship situations.
- Delinquency Report/Collection Update: Not much change. Vial will continue to prosecute.
VI. Unfinished Business
- Foot Bridge Maintenance: Table discussions till the weather gets better.
VII. New Business
- 2015 Work Plan
Fence cleaning options were discussed. Management to get bids. Columbia Geo Technical to inspect structural integrity in retaining walls throughout community. Motion to approve budget not to exceed $1000. Motion carried. - 2015 Reserve Study
Landscaping maintenance and budgeted amounts were discussed for both Cottage and Master collection. Darker bark dust preferred. TMG to get bids on bark dust and pressure wash. Will review to see if concrete/curb repairs are needed during compliance reporting. Board discussed looking into using LED’s for all the lighting in the community. Move forward with power washing, but postponing mailboxes. Board paid $1000 to maintenance mail boxes five years ago. TMG to obtain bids from Mike Walker and another firm. - Landscape Design Standards/Lot Maintenance Resolution
Discussed earlier. - Master Collection Landscape Committee
Ken and Mike to work together and come up with responsibilities and guidelines. - Irrigation Replacement/Water System
Bid was obtained to do the replacement, ~$73,000. - Engineer Annual Review
VIII. Adjournment
- Call for adjournment was at: 8:10 pm