Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting. For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site. If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.
Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for September 24th, 2013
Homeowner Input
- None
I. Meeting Called to Order
- 6:33 pm
II. Meeting Minutes
- July 22, 2014 Minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously. Motion carried.
III. Treasure’s Report
- Lynda DuLong and Yong-Feng Yang gave the following report:
We are trending on track with all budget categories with the Main and Cottage Collections. TMG received the Reserve Study Report for both the Main and Cottage Collections by Reserve Funding.
IV. Committee Report
- Social Committee – Lisa Walker reported: Starting December 15, the Holiday Lighting Contest will begin. Lisa is looking for volunteers to help vote.
The participation of the Annual Garage Sale was low. Board is considering options to scale it down.
Newsletter is being put together – should be mailed sometime soon
- Neighborhood Watch – Lisa Walker reported: Program continues to do well. Washington County changed rules regarding food for National Night Out. They are looking to consolidate resources and may have a single event for all of Beaverton only.
- Newsletter – Lisa Walker reported:
- Landscape – Tom Wilkinson reported: Tree Project remains to be the biggest project. Phase 2 tree removal begins October 6th. 33 trees will be removed. One person requested their tree to remain. Landscaping committee reviewed and approved the trees to be removed. They have identified three more areas to plant. Tom feels that the removal and replacement of trees will improve the neighborhood. Lisa reported a tree being hit and damaged. Linda will have Davy to take a look
- Architectural – Board reported: Mike Farris said that it’s pretty quiet at this point. Most of the requests have been dealt with.
- Ad-Hoc Beaver Committee – Zen Dunaj: Not much has changed since the last report. Track T looks much better. The other track on the west side of Laidlaw is still concerning. Zen mentioned this area to John from Showplace. Lynda says John continues to monitor it. Bud Weaver mentioned he had removed four beavers. The water flow from Claremont has slowed down. Homeowner was interested in removing dead trees in Track T. That is a protected area and no items can be removed.
V. Management Report
- Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information). Homeowner correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders, and overdue dues. It was discussed, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further.
- Homeowner was concerned with fire pits in the neighborhood and was requesting the board ban them in the neighborhood. It may be difficult to regulate that. Instead of banning them, the board may add clauses to regulate the proximity of the fire pits or possibly other regulations to increase homeowner safety.
- Delinquency Report/Collection Update: Not much change. A few are playing legal games to keep the process going. One settlement is coming in. Homes are turning over
VI. Repairs and Maintenance
- Mailboxes Concerns with what is being posted to the mailboxes. We may want to check with the Post Office to see if they have ideas.
- Watering system Yong-Feng Yang had concerns with the amount of watering in the cottage collection. Board will look into adjusting the amount of watering being done. Tom mentioned that the number of sprinkler heads could be reduced – suggested the Board look into investigating and doing that work. The timer apparently is not very customizable. This will be revisited next year when the water is turned back on.
VII. Unfinished Business
- Foot Bridge Maintenance Several proposals have been presented. They range from $1800 – $2900, depending on the services and experience provided. No decisions were made at this point.
VIII. New Business
- 2015 Reserve Study – A summary of the 2015 Reserve Study was discussed.
- 2015 Budget – Board to discuss how to fund monitoring the wetlands. For the master collection, two options were proposed for a budget. Option A increases the Wetland Maintenance upwards of $15000, which would change the annual assessment from $260 to $285. Option B specifies the budget will remain virtually the same, along with annual assessments. The beaver situation will be an ongoing issue. Zen suggests we look at other alternatives. Homeowners would like to get more clarity what all entails in that quote. Motion to go with Option B for the 2015 budget was presented. The motion was carried.
- Annual Meeting – October 22, 2014 at Bethany School. Mike Farris will provide some proxy reminder signage. Board urges homeowners to come to the meeting or turn in their proxy letter.
IX. Adjournment
- Call for adjournment was at 7:42pm