Arbor Ridge P.U.D Homeowners Association
Directors Meeting
Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 6:30 PM
(Meeting held via Video Conference)
6:30 pm
- Delinquency Report
- Reviewed current delinquent accounts and no action taken from the board.
- Collection Update from Collection Attorney
- Discussed account ID# 0557 and heard a proposal from the attorney.
- Motion to leave executive session – approved.
- Delinquency Report
Motion to have VF pursue foreclosure on account ID# 0557 – approved.
Motion to approve minutes for board meeting occurring on Tuesday January 24, 2023 – approved.
- Balance Sheet
- Briefly discussed – budgets appear healthy.
- Reviewed homeowner request to remove street tree. Board decision to take no action was made.
- Motion to request Livability Committee to build a proposal outlining standardized guidelines, criteria and thresholds that must be met to take action on tree removal/replacement within the Cottage Collection – approved.
- Request for Showplace Services – Beaver Dam Mitigation, Blackberry Removal
- Motion to approve four Showplace proposals totaling $11,575 – approved. Details below:
- Proposal 22536: Moss/cranefly for $1900 (ARHA)
- Proposal 22538: Moss/cranefly for $3275 (ARCC)
- Proposal 22539: Aeration/spot reseed for $2050 (ARHA)
- Proposal 22540: Aeration/spot reseed for $4350 (ARCC)
- Motion to approve Showplace proposal to remove blackberry and other brush along fence lines of NW Mesa View Ln, NW Tucson St, and NW Talkingstick Way not to exceed $1600 – approved.
- AMS to continue pursuing bids to address the beaver dam.
- Motion to approve the work to remove the beaver dam by the bridge that connects NW Arizona Dr and NW 169th Ave, not to exceed $1500 – approved.
- Motion to approve four Showplace proposals totaling $11,575 – approved. Details below:
- ARC Report
- Motion to ratify ARC Requests – approved.
- Livability Committee – Formation (Committee Purpose to Educate Homeowners and Provide Ideas for Compliance Enforcement)
- The committee’s main concern/focus revolves around the landscape of the community, ensuring uniformity, garbage can concerns, hedges, arborvitae, etc.
- Committee recommends employing a third party firm to come up with possible solutions to the dying arborvitae around the whole community.
- Board recommended the committee to come up with proposals and bring them to the next board meeting.
- Social/Community Event – Ice Cream Social
- Motion to approve $500 for an ice cream social to be organized by Mary and Kay – approved.
- Requested Reserve Proposals – Board Review
- Motion to proceed with Reserve projects – approved. AMS to provide regular status reports on collection of bids. New Board meeting will be held to review bids.
- Request for Showplace Services – Beaver Dam Mitigation, Blackberry Removal
- Landscaping
- Showplace Proposal
- Pacific Landscape Proposal
- As requested from the previous board meeting, the Board recognized there were not enough bids obtained by AMS to make any decisions.
- Motion to have AMS obtain another quote on top of the two we currently have – approved.
- HB-2534 Update
- Form has been notarized and uploaded.
- 2023 Maintenance Walk
- Poor spring weather has delayed this. Board will organize a time to complete this in the near future.
- Sidewalk Repairs – Tree Removal Impact
- Board discussed impact and specific instances within the community. No action from the Board was taken at this time. AMS will review CC&R’s, community guidelines, Washington County policies, etc. and inform homeowners to possibly replace the tree and/or repair the sidewalks.
- Weekly Trash Bin Compliance Enforcement – March/April Update, Compliance Services – May
- Board discussed this issue at length. AMS detailed the current process: first violation is a friendly reminder, second violation is a “notice to correct” where the homeowner has 14 days to request a board hearing, and third violation results in a fine.
- AMS performed a compliance check in the beginning of March and noted approximately 67 violations but failed to process them, of which the HOA will not be charged. A second compliance check occurred in early April where approximately 50 violations of visible trash cans were reported and processed, of which only a handful of those resulted in fines.
- Board members requested AMS to pause on the third compliance check due to garbage pickup dates changing across the community. Board members reported the new trash day is Monday so AMS can continue checks on Wednesdays.
- Board moved to table the topic for now. Joe and Kay to discuss forming a compliance committee to handle this situation with systematic regular monitoring and reporting. Previously, Arbor Ridge had such a monitoring/reporting group.
- Landscaping
- Homeowner discussed wild roses along the rock wall pathway toward 174th Ave. Also discussed concerns with the future land development occurring in the lot west of NW 174th Ave. Board recommended the homeowner to talk with neighbors near the area.
- Homeowner shared the same concerns with the same newly announced building development. They also brought up concerns with street trees, sidewalks, and water usage. Board recommended they send their concerns to AMS for the board to review, investigate and take action on.
- Homeowner concerned with sidewalk repairs and was requesting a referral. A recommendation was given.