Arbor Ridge P.U.D Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, June 29, 2023, 6:30 PM
(Meeting held via Video Conference)
6:34 pm
- Bid Reviews for Common Reserve Fund Projects
- Remove NW Laidlaw dead trees
- Postponed for July meeting pending receipt of more proposals for consideration
- Mail boxes – clean all community mailboxes serving all Arbor Ridge homes
- Showplace proposal #24554 of $1439.84 only accounts for the Cottage Collection, which comprises 21 mailboxes. The Board would like all mailboxes in the Arbor Ridge Community be cleaned by Showplace; this would include an additional 21 mailboxes in the Main Collection.
- Motion to approve $2879.68 (double the original proposal amount) from the Main Reserve fund: motion approved.
- Signs – Arbor Ridge entrance monument – Clean & Maintain
- Motion to approve Showplace proposal #24555 of $338.83 from the Main Reserve fund: motion approved.
- Asphalt repairs – pedestrian walkway (wetlands/Laidlaw)
- Postponed for July meeting pending receipt of more proposals for consideration
- Street repairs – asphalt sealcoat NW Silver Creek Place
- Postponed for July meeting pending receipt of more proposals for consideration
- Wash – 3 Rail White Fence (NW Laidlaw/NW West Union Rd)
- Motion to approve Showplace proposal #24560 of $5759.32 from the Main Reserve fund: motion approved.
- Barkdust for NW Laidlaw
- Motion to approve Showplace proposal #24564 of $2488.26 from the Main Reserve fund: motion approved.
- Remove NW Laidlaw dead trees
III. Bid Reviews for Cottage Reserve Fund Projects
- Arborist Tree Work: Tree Removal
- Board would like to add an additional tree to the list, located at 16836 NW Greyhawk Dr.
- Postponed for July meeting pending receipt of more proposals for consideration
- Arborist Tree Work: Tree Pruning
- Postponed for July meeting pending receipt of more proposals for consideration
- Arborist Tree Work: Tree Removal
IV. Homeowner correspondence
Board listened to concerns and feedback from the community and will take appropriate action.