Approved Minutes For October 2005
Meeting Minutes
October 18, 2005
Mary Davidson called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:01 PM on 10/18/2005 at Somerset Christian Church.
Present Board Members:
Mary Davidson, Ken Pepe, Allen Morgan, Mike Farris, Bob Spivey and Cathy Parson
Not Present: Dave Cummings
Presentation of Board Manuals and Management Reports were given to new board members. A few documents need to be updated.
Action Item: Mary will contact Kitty @ NWCM to email corrected documents to board members.
I. Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
II. Approval of Minutes
The minutes the August 16th 2005 meeting were unanimously approved.
III. Treasure’s Report
- Management Report was not presented in time for Board to review prior to meeting.
- Allen confirms that things look in order for expenses and revenue for year to date. It also appears we are ahead of budget for year to date.
- Mike has requested we get a chart of accounts for GL numbers to better understand the GL numbers on the ledger.
- An error in the Management Report overview was noted that in section 3, the Cottage Collection, had a not loss of $45,473 when the ledger clearly shows this to be Gain.
- Action Item: Allen will contact NWCM to get a Chart of accounts
- Action Item: Mary will report error in Management Report to NWCM and verify our findings.
IV. Homeowner Input
- Three (3) Homeowners were present
- Concerns were raised in regards to Rental Signs and Rentals in general. The suggestion was made that the Rental Agency’s be made aware of CCR’s. Another homeowner advised that anyone could contact a title company and request the CCR’s for the community. Mary noted that there has been improvements in signage not appearing in the common areas since having the landscapers remove signs as they violate the CCR’s and that she herself has called some of the Rental Agents as well as Realtors to remove their signs from the common areas. Only a single sign is allowed on the property for rent or for sale. Only Open House and Garage Sales signs are allowed in the common areas for the day only and must be removed same day.
- Homeowner suggested that the Board obtain a chart of accounts. Suggested noted and is an Action Item.
- Homeowner raised concerns about the number of noticeable violations in the neighborhood and the general deterioration of the neighborhood that is occurring. Examples are landscaping that has not been reviewed by the ARC, garden hoses left out across sidewalks for days, out of control lawns and plant removal. Mary has asked the homeowner provides her with a list of violations and the addresses and she will take them to NWCM for follow up. She did also note that we have a new Agent for NWCM that we have seen improvement over the last Agent.
- Homeowner raised concerns of notices that Washington County is going to do road construction on 185th, West Union and Bethany Blvd for widening projects to accommodate the newly added Urban Growth Area in the Bethany area. Allen noted that a group of Bethany Area residents has formed to review what is going on in the area and that we need to be involved to ensure our neighborhood is represented.
V. Old Business
- Lack of a quorum for the Annual Meeting by Homeowners prompted the two only board members (Mary and Ken) to consider holding another meeting or to move forward with appointing members from those that volunteered for the board. It was decided to fill the positions with the volunteers. This included Allen Morgan, past board member, Cathy Parson, Bob Spivey, Mike Farris and Dave Cummings. The decision was also made to increase the board from five to seven members. This decision was made to help have more involved in the HOA.
- Washington County has approved the removal of the Tree and is now in the HOA’s hand to move forward on the removal of it. It has been noted in previous meetings that the tree is a hazard and is terminal and may cause damage or injure someone if it cracks and breaks.
- A motion was made by Allen to proceed and have NWCM select a vendor to remove the tree. Mike seconded motion, All Approved.
- Action Item: Mary will notify Kitty at NWCM to move forward to have the tree removed.
- A couple of recent issues have raised concerns as to if NWCM should be removed from the process. NWCM would only receive and forward applications and the ARC would do the letters and the reviewing. Mike suggested the process not change as it is working quite well despite a couple of issues that really occurred at NWCM or was fault of the homeowner. Currently NWCM receives the application mails it to the ARC and the ARC reviews and returns it to NWCM within 10 days and then NWCM sends a letter to the homeowner.
- Kathy expressed concerns with follow up by NWCM and the Board on issues where no application was ever submitted or there was a denial and homeowner did not adhere to the ARC’s decision. Mary indicated we are moving forward recently with Kitty and making progress on this.
- Action Item: Mary asked that a list of applications and the decisions be handed out at each meeting from the ARC. Mike agreed and will provide this.
- Action Item: Mary asked that a committee be formed by the ARC, Allen, Bob and Mike to review areas of improvement in the ARC Process. Better involvement and adherence by the homeowners and communication in the application.
- NWCM would like to have the minimum-spending limit increased to $500 per month before board approval is required. Is was noted that the current $300 level is met often.
- A motion by Cathy was made to increase NWCM’s monthly spending limit without board approval to $500, Bob seconded the motion, All Approved.
- Mike gave an overview of what is currently being offered by Arun’s company for a non charge web site, all we would need to do is pay the domain name and hosting annually and this would not be paid or managed by his company.
- Action Item: Mary asked that Mike review NWCM’s offer to use their template. He will contact Kitty for information on cost and implementation and compare the two options.
Tract I
Should ARC processing be changed?
NWCM’s Request to have the minimum spending limit increased from $300-$500
Community Web Site
VI. New Business
Election of officers
- Kathy nominated Mary as President, Ken seconded motion, All approved
- Mary nominated Ken as Vice-President, Allen seconded motion, All approved
- Allen nominated himself for Secretary/Treasurer, Kathy seconded motion, All approved. Note that Bob will serve as an advisor for the financials.
- Kathy will head the Social Committee
- Mike will head the ARC Committee
- Allen will head the Neighborhood Watch/Community Involvement Committee
- The white fences are getting dirty and moldy. Mary has requested approval to move forward and clean them or get bids
- Bob suggested we have the sprinkler timers checked to make sure they are coming on so there is sufficient time for the water to evaporate off the fences.
- Action Item: Ken has a possible person to bid for the job and will contact him.
- Action Item: Mary will check into last year’s person for a bid.
- Allen suggested we wait till late spring before cleaning otherwise the winter and spring weather will soil them again.
- Ken brought up the question as to who owns the wetlands and has it been settled yet.
- Allen indicated this is West Hills Developments last year to maintain the area.
- Action Item: Bob will check with the county on the current ownership
- Wetlands
- Mike suggested we set up email accounts for the board members. Action Item: Mike will prepare information for next meeting
Fence Maintenance
Items for next Meeting
VII. Adjournment:
Mary adjourned meeting at 8:37 PM. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on 11/15/2005 at Somerset Christian Church.
Minutes submitted by: Mike Farris