Approved Minutes For June 2007

Meeting Minutes

Mike Farris called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:00
PM on 6/25/07 at Somerset Christian Church.
Present Board Members:
Mike Farris, Ken Pepe, Dave Cummings, Lori Constant
Not Present:
Mary Davidson, Cathy Parson
Michelle Underwood, Rick (?)
1. Approval of Minutes
MOTION was made to approve minutes. ALL IN FAVOR
2. Treasurer’s Report
Ken reviewed and said we are in the black for both cottage and overall association
3. Homeowner Input
Seven Homeowners present.
Question Whey did we receive a bill for a July assessment? Answer Cottage Collection homes
pay twice a year for yard maintenance.
Comment H/O said his Cottage Collection yard was not being edged and weeded in a
satisfactory manner and that he has a sprinkler that is not working. Answer We are on a
contract schedule so we only pay for so many mows and edges per year. They need to spread
that out to make sure the yards are kept in a tidy manner and we keep to our contract. The
sprinkler issue will be looked into.
Comment A H/O brought a complaint about their neighbors backyard being overgrown.
Answer A letter will be sent as a reminder for them to maintain.
Comment A H/O brought a complaint about people not cleaning up after their dogs,
specifically on her yard and driveway. Answer They were told that the HOA can’t really police
this activity but a reminder will be in the next newsletter.
Comment A question was raised about on street parking. Answer On public streets the
Washington County laws would apply. On private streets the HOA rules will apply.
Comment H/O said the HOA meeting signs are a helpful reminder. Board stated that the
meeting agenda will be posted on the website prior to each meeting.
Question If you are touching up paint on the house do you need ARC approval? Answer You
do not need approval to paint the same color.
4. Management Report
Compliance Report
Report revisions are complete. Compliance walk through was considered. It was decided
that board member compliance walk through every 14 days is sufficient.
4th of July fireworks reminder will be posted on the website
Moving forward with notice of intent to lien on 14 properties. One H/O has agreed to a
payment plan to resolve.
Audit & Taxes
Curry and McClain is still working through paperwork to complete 2006 audit.
Fallen tree on Laidlaw will be replaced at the cost of $283.
Tract I
Ground cover will be planted this week. H/O agreed to water 3 times a week.
5. Old Business
Wetlands Transition
Management company wants to be present for walk through. No activity since the
beginning of the year.
Board Training
Still looking for a training session to attend
6. New Business
Meeting Schedule
Meeting in July was moved from the 23rd to the 30th because of scheduling conflicts with
TMG. No meeting for August, annual meeting will be held in September.
New Board Member
Chandru announced that he is now able to serve as a board member. MOTION was made
for Chandru to be the Assistant Treasurer ALL IN FAVOR
Mike is looking for input on articles. Suggestions were that Mary write a Presidents report
of the progress, and that all board members contribute an article.
7. Adjournment
Mike adjourned meeting at 8:14 PM. Next meeting will be at 7:00 PM on 7/30/07 at
Somerset Christian Church.
Minutes taken by Lori Constant
