Approved Minutes

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for March 28th 2011

Homeowner Input

I. Meeting Called to Order


II. Meeting Minutes

January 2011 Minutes were motioned for approval by Michael F. Board passed the minutes unanimously.

III. President’s Report

Landscape walk – Information taken from Mike F’s notes sent out on March 11th
The Landscape walk went very good. There was a lot of action items and Lynda has been collecting.
Wetlands – We have been told by clean Water Services that we can use a certain spray to get rid of the Blackberries in the wetlands but we need to wait to use the spray when the leaves start unfolding in the spring to get maximum kill. They will die off and decay from there. John will also be allowed to remove fallen trees that are effecting our pathways as needed.
Blackberries – There are some areas along the pathways not in the wetlands that John has already been working on to remove these. Along the wall on the pathway between Laidlaw & 174th
Water Overflow on the Laidlaw to 174th Path – on the walk we noticed that the recent rains had made a mess on the path with mud from the overflowing of the creek. Showplace will go through and clean it up if they have not done so already. We talked about possible solutions to either gravel or plant something in the mud areas to help retain the soil for the future. No decision has been made yet.
Cottages Homes – We reviewed the Triangle areas for the north side of Oak Creek to West Union. While some areas are not growing yet, John from Showplace is confident the spring the plants will start going crazy and fill in the triangle shaped areas. He will monitor them and replace plants as needed at no cost to us. We also reviewed a huge problem developing in the area and likely it is happening in the larger home areas too, but their are several trees that roots are causing not only side walk problems but hitting up against the water meter boxes and lines. This could be a very thing. So John with Showplace has created list of the worst trees and we are looking to remove them and replace the tree near by if needed and / or required by the county laws (30 feet between trees maximum). This may will reduce the number of trees but will save money and damage in the long run. Proposal should be at the next meeting. We also have a huge problem in the cottage homes with people not cleaning up after their dog on their own yards and along the street trees. Partially I think this is because Home Owners are not maintaining their own yards in the cottages and just leave it up to John’s crew.
Graffiti on Children Playing sign – This was removed and to note one sign has been stolen.

IV. Treasure’s Report

Review of February financials by Mike will happen April

V. Committee Report


VI. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence

Please see the Management report for March 2011 from The Management Group


  • Delinquency Report

In the latest report Mike F motioned to stricken those delinquencies from the record those homes that have unrecoverable funds that are owed the HOA David C. seconded the motion to stricken these accounts.
The lot numbers and amounts are recorded below-
Cottage Collection -Lot 108 $574.12 noncollectable due to foreclosure
Cottage Collection -Lot 174 $406.00 noncollectable due to foreclosure
Cottage Collection -Lot 205 $871.95 noncollectable due to foreclosure
Totals: $1,852.07

These lots will be turned over for collections –
Cottage Collection -Lot 158 $3,854.06
Cottage Collection -Lot 197 $2,953.05
Cottage Collection -Lot 427 $5,660.24
Cottage Collection -Lot 445 $2,430.65
Cottage Collection -Lot 469 $2,485.48
Cottage Collection -Lot 512 $7,127.44
Cottage Collection -Lot 554 $1,721.82
Totals: $26,232.74

Repairs and Maintenance

VII. New Business

Signed a resolution for DR Horton signs for placement on Laidlaw, Discussion on how this will be enforced.
Compliance inspections will return in May

VIII. Unfinished Business

Landscape Walk Notes

Blackberry bushes – Treatment will occurwhen they bud, also homes on Gold Canyon should treat the bushes between the Fence and Retaining wall
Dogs – There are several incidents that homeowners are not cleaning up after their dogs around the community. Discussion of new signage was brought up but no one could decide on if this was nessassary or not and where to place signs is a challange.
Graffitti – is still an issue in the community
Cottage homes – Driveway triangles don’t seem to be doing very well the plantings are not really growing.
– Street trees are invading the water meters on properties, proposal to have trees removed and ground down to prevent damage to water meters and water mains also sidewalks are also sustaining damage by being lifted up by tree roots.
Spring Newsletter – Focus on Dog issues

IX. Adjournment

Call for adjournment was at 8:14 pm
