Meeting Minutes are posted only after they have been approved by the board at the following meeting.
For Example – Meeting On Jan 1st would be Approved on the next meeting and posted to the web site.
If the next meeting was Feb 1st then that is when they would be posted.

Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting for February 8, 2016

Homeowner Input

  • None

I. Meeting Called to Order

  • 6:45 pm

II. Meeting Minutes

  • November 11, 2015 minutes were motioned for approval; Board passed the minutes unanimously. Motion carried.

III. Treasure’s Report

  • Mike and Lynda gave the following report: irrigation was a large expense last year. Reserves for Cottages is looking low.

IV. Committee Report

  • Neighborhood Watch – Lisa Walker reported: Still the same. Getting updates from sheriffs department and CWN. Suspicious individual going door-to-door talking about alarm systems. Another suspicious man is walking around asking homeowners if they want to sell their vehicles.
  • Social/Newsletter Committee – Lisa Walker reported: Newsletter coming out in March. Easter Egg Hunt March 26th – doing 3000 eggs this year (last year was 2900). Requesting $850 for candy/crafts/supplies. Unused monies will rollover to July 4th hot dog stand. Fourth of July and National Night out: working closely with CWN – may take the lead on some responsibilities.
  • Landscape – Tom Wilkinson reported: Master Landscape Committee gaining more traction. Proposal for Showplace to maintain a couple common areas on NW Keno and NW Tucson in the Master Collection. Lights on monument (West Union and Laidlaw) need adjustments/replacements. 15 scheduled trees came out – 11 came in. Tom feels these trees will be great for the neighborhood. Lawn restoration needs to happen on places where trees were removed. Other areas will take on ground cover which will be easier to maintain – in particular the triangle areas. There are upwards of 70 sprinkler heads that can be capped now – which will save on irrigation expenses. There are homeowner wood fences that need to be maintained better (e.g. on Tucson St). Cable boxes have not been correctly capped/closed. Zen briefly discussed the beaver dams in the green spaces. In general, beaver activity is steadily growing but areas are still in good shape.
  • Architectural – Board reported: Only one pending ARC Request. It was discussed and approved.

V. Management Report


  • Homeowner Correspondence (please see management report on file, for additional information).  Homeowner correspondences were discussed regarding waived yard maintenance reminders, and overdue dues.  It was discussed, that homeowners that wish to have a fine waived are asked to present themselves in front of the board in person to discuss further.
  • Briefly discussed. Board is granting an extension for yard compliance issues till May when the weather improves.


  • Delinquency Report / Collection Update
    • Not Discussed

VI. Unfinished Business

  • State Farm Auto Claim – Adam Thayne with Panic Law, Attorney Presentation
    • Discussed the incident regarding his client and damages that occurred within common areas and homeowner property. A plea was made on behalf of his client for forgiveness in exchange of a particular charge being dismissed. No decisions were made at this time. Another executive meeting will be called in the future to discuss the matter.

VII. New Business

  1. 2016 Work Plan
  2. 2016 Reserve Study
    1. Cottage Collection running low – $15815. MMA $18000, $2307, $48000 for tree removal project, etc.
  3. Landscape Resolution
    1. Reviewed landscape resolution. Feedback was given. Nothing actionable was made at this time.
  4. Showplace Landscape Proposals
    1. Several contract/proposals were presented to maintain areas in the community.
      1. Motion to approve $2390 to repair areas due to tree removal project. Motion passed.
      2. Motion to approve $2015 to replace 31 arborvitae in common areas. Motion passed.
      3. Motion to approve $3390 to treat common lawns with cranefly control and combat moss, with the direction of the landscape committee. Motion passed.
      4. Motion to approve $4000 for aerating and overseeding in Cottage Homes and Streetscape. Motion passed.
      5. Motion to approve concrete maintenance along Laidlaw, not to exceed $1850. Motion passed.

VIII. Adjournment

  • Call for adjournment was at: 8:44 PM