Approved Minutes

Special Meeting on Arbor Ridge community signage June 21st 2010

Attendance: Mike F., Tom W., Dave C., Cathy P., Aditya K., Sunil L., John M., and Michelle U. from TMG.

Meeting Called to order 7:01pm

Homeowner input:  – Fewer signs the better was one suggestion from a homeowner. One homeowner stated that directional signs should be allowed for open house sales and garage sales.

Unfinished Business –

Points of Review –

1.       CC&R’s do not define all Types of possible signs

2.       The board cannot make any decisions on signs other than For Sale or Political signs without being challenged legally.

3.       A Resolution was recommended by the assigned attorney to advise how to fill in the gaps.

4.       We currently have home owners in limbo on assessed fees based on the outcome of the board decision on signage.

5.        Questions of type of signs, For Rent, No Soliciting, scoop after your pet, Garage and yard sales, have been brought in the recent meeting either as a violation or by home owners.

6.       If the board does nothing then the board has no option but to ignore signs other than For Sale or Political signs, this can leave the board open for other issues.

The board took the revised sign resolution working document and made the first round of changes to the document.

Please note this is in no way the final version of this document.

Notations in red are John M.’s additions and word smithing.



Signs, Notices and Aesthetic Appearance – Common Areas and Private Lots (Properties)

WHEREAS, The Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association Board of Directors according to the By-Laws, Article 7, Section 1 is given the “power to adopt and publish rules and regulations governing use and maintenance of the Common area…and to establish fines and penalties for the violation thereof.”; and It appears that there is a mixture of items related to common areas and other areas that are privately owned. It would seem that the purpose would be better served if those categories were grouped in order to avoid any confusion in the minds of the readers.

WHEREAS, the Planned Community Act, ORS 94.630(1)(a) and ORS 94.640(1), the Board may adopt rules and regulations for the Planned Community in general, not inconsistent with the Declarationor Bylaws; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Declaration Section A-6, Signs, No signs shall be erected or maintained on any lot (Excluding Arbor Ridge Entry Monument Signs) except that not more then one “For Sale” sign placed by the owner, Declarant or by a licensed real estate agent, consistent with controlling governmental ordinances, may be temporarily displayed on any lot. This restriction shall not prohibit the temporary placement of “political” signs on any lot by the owner; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board of Directors to regulate the use of signs and other items which affect the aesthetic appeal of Arbor Ridge neighborhood.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following rules shall apply:

1. No freestanding real estate signs, open house signs or directional signs are to be placed anywhere along Laidlaw Road and West Union Road or at the entries to Arbor Ridge along Laidlaw Road or West Union Road, with the exception of the Arbor Ridge Home Owner Meeting Signs. All signage must be removed at the end of the day. Signs may only be displayed during “open house” hours.

2. A single real estate sign can be located on the lot itself, with the sign being located in the middle of the front yard near the street side lot line. Under no circumstances shall a sign be allowed on a side or real lot line or backyard. The maximum size of this approved sign is 18″ x 24″ and must be suspended or attached from a signpost. Sale and resale signs and posts must be removed within five days of closing of Signs, Notices and Aesthetic Appearance – Common Areas and Private Lots (Properties) the sale.

3. All signage within Arbor Ridge directing people to homes outside Arbor Ridge will be removed immediately without notification and discarded.

4. The Association shall retain the right to remove unauthorized signs without notice and/or require the lot owner to remove the sign(s)

5. No signage is to be placed in building windows. The only exceptions to this rule are Neighborhood Watch, Security, No Soliciting, Block Home or Religious and Holiday signs which must be commercially created signs that are professional in look and feel. No hand made signs will be allowed and should not exceed the size of 12″ x 12″.

6. Rental signs may be posted only on the private property where the rental is located and must conform to the real estate sign requirements for signs on lots. Rental signs and posts must be removed within five days of closing of rental, and no directional signs may be used.

7. Garage/Yard sale signs, personal signs, announcements, and other display materials are not allowed other than the day of the event . These types of signs are not permitted in the common areas along Laidlaw Road or West Union Road, with the exception of the Home Owner Association Annual Neighborhood sponsored Garage Sale Bannersunless it is the day of the event.

8. Security signs are permitted on private lots; however, the signs should be as close to the building as possible. To prevent challenges it might be better to phrase this as “To allow for maximum personal safety and security, security signs are permitted…”.

9. House numbers painted on street curbs should be stenciled professionally with black lettering on white background and not be taller than the height of the curb and no longer then 15″.

10. Commercial signs, general notices and other signs are not permitted in Arbor Ridge except as authorized elsewhere in the Association’s general rules and regulations. Vendor may place a 1 sign on the homeowners lot with the homeowner’s permission to advertise the company/work being done during the time the work on the home is being performed.

11. Advertisement signs for any purpose of generating business are not permitted on any Common Areas Signs, Notices and Aesthetic Appearance – Common Areas and Private Lots (Properties) and Private Lots.

12. Requests for exceptions to the sign rules may be submitted in writing to the Association’s Management Company office for review and consideration by the Association at the next Board Meeting. Such exceptions requests shall identify the type of sign to be used and the size, location, and intent of such use, in order that the Board may fairly evaluate the request for an exception.

13. Nothing herein shall be construed in such a way as to be applied or used to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, or other Constitutional or Federally or State Protected right afforded by law.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:27pm
