Approved Minutes For July 2004
Arbor Ridge HOA Minutes, 7/13/04
Cindy Sorum, Presiding
Deborah Bogle-Tao, Recording
Somerset Christian Church 7:05pm
Board members present: Cindy Sorum, Deborah Bogle-Tao and Allen Morgan. Mary Davidson and John Scruggs absent.
Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Allen and seconded by Deborah. All in favor. Amended the 4/13/04 minutes to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion made by Deborah and seconded by Allen. All in favor.
Approval of Treasure’s Report: Allen reported for the last quarter the main and cottage collections are under budget but the water bills are not in yet. Motion made by Deborah and seconded by Cindy. All in favor.
Board Business:
- Cindy is resigning effective tonight. Deborah will be the acting President.
- Annual Meeting will be September 14, 7pm Somerset Christian Church.
- Budget 2005- Motion made by Allen and seconded by Cindy to budget $ 600 for the Easter Egg Hunt. We will wait to decide about budgeting for replacing Cottage street trees. We would like to get more information.
- We will discuss the issue of signs on Laidlaw and West Union once we get a new board. Motion made by Allen and seconded by Deborah to wait. All in favor.
7:35pm- Cindy left the meeting and it ended because we no longer had a quorum.