Approved Minutes For February 2006
Meeting Minutes
Mary Davidson called the regular meeting of the Arbor Ridge Homeowners Association to order at 7:00 PM on 2/27/2006 at Somerset Christian Church.
Present Board Members:
Mary Davidson, Ken Pepe, Mike Farris, Dave Cummings and Cathy Parson
Not Present: None
Guests: Kitty Bunten and Eric Gordon from NWCM
I. Approval of Agenda
The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.
II. Approval of Minutes
The minutes for January 23rd 2005 meeting were unanimously approved.
III. Treasure’s Report
- Ken reported the Financials look very good, we have net gains in both budgets
- Action Item: Ken is going to work with Tony at NWCM for full review of the budget by the end of March.
IV. Homeowner Input
- No Home Owners were present
- Mary commented on that based off a problem in a yard in the cottages, the yard was torn up for repair. She noted that it is important that Home Owners contact NWCM when work is being done. This is in case damage is done to sprinklers in the cottages.
- Action Item: Cathy and Mary are going to work a New Home Owner packet to help educate new Home Owners on the HOA and the Neighborhood.
V. Old Business
Tract I Update
- Home Owner is happy with work done on Tract I. NWCM is working on the Quick deed to transfer the Tract to the Home Owner. NWCM is checking on getting the sidewalk repaired that was damaged during Tree removal.
- The board would like to fill the 2 open positions on the board. It has been posted on the web site.
Board Vacancies
- We would like to get a Newsletter out by April 1st.
- Action Item: Mike is heading up the newsletter
- Mary has done some research on the Wetlands
- Wetlands are overseen by the Army Corp of Engineers, Currently LDC Design firm is overseeing care while under West Hills Development. An evaluation will be done in April as to the condition of the wetlands before they are turned over in Jan 2007 to the association. They will also help us determine what the association can do with the wetlands and how to manage them.
Fence Maintenance
- Three bids have gathered ranging from 3000 to 6000.
- It has been suggested that we look at putting a reserve line item in the budget for Fence cleaning. Some reserves could be moved into this to start it.
Laidlaw Tree Damage
- Landscaper says to wait till April to replace trees for a better chance of survival.
- NWCM is working with the Insurance Company of the vehicle owner to cover expenses.
- Motion was made by Dave, Mary seconded to move forward and replace Trees and NWCM will seek reimbursement from Insurance Company, All in Favor.
NWCM Contract
- Kitty indicated the contract had not been signed yet. Per the meeting minutes for 1/23/06 the contract and budget were approved as they were dependant on each other.
- Action Item: Mary will contact Kitty in the morning of 2/28/06 to get it signed.
- VI. New Business
NWCM Training Board Session
- Eric from NWCM presented the board with a Training Session with a slide presentation. He commented on how well we run our meetings and that we do a good job at adhering to Robert’s Rules of Order.
VII. Adjournment:
Mary adjourned meeting at 9:00 PM. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on 3/27/2006 at Somerset Christian Church.
Minutes submitted by: Mike Farris