Approved Arbor Ridge Home Owners Association Annual Meeting October 23rd 2012

These minutes were approved by the home owners in attendance at the Annual Meeting 10/22/2013

Attendance: Mike F., Mike F., Lisa W., Dave C., Adita K., Todd B., and Lynda D. from TMG

I. Call To Order

6:35 pm

II. Proof Of Meeting

III. Establishing of Quorum

Quorum was achieved with 143+ proxies and registration

IV. Meeting Minutes

Home Owner 1 Motioned to approve the Minutes for the 2011 Annual Meeting, Home Owner 2 seconded the motion. Annual Meeting Minutes for 2011 are approved.

V. Presidents Report

Mike Foster facilitated the meeting and reported to the Home Owners a review of the year of 2012. Special focus was placed upon the Neighborhood Watch program, Tree Project (Davey Report) plan and committees involvement.
A review and approval of the 2013 budget (motioned first and then seconded)
Nomination from the floor took place.
Election of Board Members took place.
Special recognition’s and certificates of appreciation were given.

VI. Adjourment

8:24 pm
